Well the issue with guns in the US is how easy they are to obtain in conjunction with how quickly they can dole out death.
Well the issue with guns in the US is how easy they are to obtain in conjunction with how quickly they can dole out death.
People who commit public violence for personal reasons have been around for a while. People have committed non-political terrorism before this era of mass shootings. They were motivated by a desire for notoriety and/or a bitter desire to make others feel pain in retaliation for imagined wrongs.
True, mental illness and our violent war hungry culture plays a part too.
who are not aiming to oppressing a portion of their population or deprive anyone of their human rights, that they cannot declare themselves an independent nation?
Hamilton Nolan: Advocate of the Confederacy?
Americans are infatuated with violence. Look at our movies, listen to our music. Our own president just said our most violent sport isn’t violent enough.
Here is the live feed about this event from the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2017/oct/02/las-vegas-two-dead-in-mandalay-bay-casino-shooting-latest-updates
Wow, it takes some real anti-intellectual chutzpah to tell a specialist the dictionary definition, which is inherently reductive, should take precedence over a nuanced and detailed understanding. However I remember you consistently using “medieval” as a pejorative while bashing religion in a New Atheist-style tantrum,…
Exactly, trying to frame it as a “Right” is misdirection, always has been.
Agreed. I do not think this vote should have proceeded as it did since it was not taken up in accordance with the applicable constitutional procedures (which are not themselves unreasonably restrictive). The government’s response, however, was so far beyond what could be considered appropriate that the cause looks…
So, let’s just take a step back for a second and imagine Obama saying these things......while playing golf, and while Puerto Rico needs help. How do you think the Republi-cons would respond?!
And, to add insult to injury, while Trump is threatening nuclear war when a diplomatic option might be available, he’s still breaking out the rocket man insult that wouldn’t even be considered a clever put down by middle school standards.
...and will be replaced by Dennis Rodman.
Proposed patch:
Family Matters started off great. I really did enjoy the Winslow’s, but DAMN, the MINUTE that Urkel character came out, the show became straight garbage. Originally, the show was grounded & charming, but Urkel just killed all that & turned it into a bizarro pile of nonsense.
She’s also a vocal supporter of Planned Parenthood.
None of her tweets would be what I consider a “take down” but good for her for using her platform to address the needs of others without advertising for her own/ family projects (minus the mag tweet)!
She does this stuff a lot.
Yeah, nothing about Trump’s own actions surprise me anymore, he’s shown himself too many times for any of us to be surprised by it (appalled, sure, just not surprised). But I remain absolutely fucking baffled at how millions of Americans have accepted this and continue to accept this.
I did read the letter. There was a million different ways she could have extended a gracious reply for example with a “thank you for the donation but as the school is well monied, she would like to offer them to districts less funded. But it was not well nuanced. Further Michelle Obama read and had Seussian…