And his brain. Then eats his child’s face. We can’t have a guy out here denying stuff. It’s that important.
And his brain. Then eats his child’s face. We can’t have a guy out here denying stuff. It’s that important.
Awesome for us.
Wow, Matt Leinart really let himself go.
Perhaps just maybe fuck the guy behind the gun too.
Did you bother reading the article?
So how would we ever find anything funny? “Don’t watch it if you don’t like it!” How will I know?!
“That movie wasn’t very good!”
“Well you shouldn’t have watched it then!”
What kind of lazy dumb reply is that?
Dear pitchfork-wielding feminists and white knights,
I’ve never understood that argument. Complaining about stuff we don’t like is so much fun and I’m really good at it. Totally worthwhile. Way better than fighting with my budget dept., which is what I do between comments.
yep. I’m a gun owner and a supporter of RKBA, and as far as I’m concerned that inbred hick should now be a prohibited person.
Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.
Stantastic Fart is one of my favorite loud and deadly bands.
I mean, “LOL” at the people who didn’t get it, and “Double LOL” at the people who emailed you, but just this morning, Redford made two pretty silly errors unrelated to this article.
It’s annoying how self-impressed Deadspin has become.
Survey: Sky is Blue; Water, Wet.
St. Cletus had taken both regular season matchups, and the rubber match here took place at Immaculate Conception out in Elmhurst.
When the imbeciles get a new word like “affluenza,” they throw it at every fucking thing that moves. Sometimes a shitheel is just a shitheel.
Welcome! You must be new here. This is called irony. Also dark humor. In this case, quite dark. But still humorous, and also copacetic because the joke is at the expense of the sicko dillweed murderer.
If you have to come up with a reason, I very much doubt that his wealth had anything to do with this. Try brain chemistry, upbringing, trauma, lack of moral character, any of which are rarely the result of wealth. Wealth! The Disease that makes White People more horrible than other types of people.