unless youre lena dunham tho...
unless youre lena dunham tho...
yeah but only one of them is quoting Rand Paul verbatim. Since that was the “impassioned” part, it was pretty sneaky of the author to leave that part out of the write up.
TFW you proved the OPs point. White people can get these loans at a low cost with parent co-signers and repay them quickly when theyre gently launched into a career. POC have to take the loans themselves, then take longer to pay them back as they are discriminated against in the job market
Yeah but they probably wouldnt have had the support of you know, actual evidence, through wikileaks and other sources. But if you think the Clinton Foundation actually isn’t just a money wash for Bill and Hillary to get rich you probably didn’t believe the evidence anyway
Whenever the author says this:
Did any of get verified ?
Here’s what the story has been so far:
Aug-Oct: totally unverified and unsourced dossier gets passed around
Nov-Dec: FBI looks at it
Dec: FBI shows Trump and says: “We cant verify or source this”
Jan: Media reports still unverified report because FBI looked at it.
This is literally how things…
At least with respect to this specific issue, I don’t think you have to worry about “playing nice” considering this exact situation occurred in 2008 with roles reversed. The only appointee whose hearing got delayed for ethics screening was HRC bc GOP hates her obviously.
It’s also worth noting that the ethics officer…
That’s my question. Even the worst attorney wouldn’t claim some sort of duty to report without any kind of express contractual or implied relationship to back it up. Like in my mind there’s basically three possible theories and they’re all bad:
(1) Weakest: There is a general duty to report a crime and by not doing it,…
Yea! All these unions need to do is not worry so much about keeping their members employed, but instead worry about things like racial inequality and affirmative action!
This is a good take, but—and I’m assuming you have legal training here—whats the theory of the case here? Like because Subway used her in a commercial they somehow owed her some sort of duty?
Well Obama had a red line for Assad not to cross, so the second he crosses it....oooh boy watch out!
I think the top comment should be : where is the supposed hair on her legs and why can’t i see it? What part of the joke am I missing here ?
So obviously not a serious case, but does Gawkermedia/univision/SheinhardtWigs have an official policy on publishing preliminary conversations with sources about whether to go on record or not? Just not a good look
I agree that this was a pretty weak effort, but like SNL, they can’t all be winners if you’re gonna take 50 shots a week
You think there is literally no moral cost to abortion for the individual or for the fetus? I’m not here to say a fetus is equal but it certainly has more moral value than 0. Nor am I here to say abortion is wrong, but if you accept the previous premise then its certainly not a morally neutral act. I accept both of…
Not really. If you are in a confrontation with someone who has a gun RIGHT NOW, who followed you across the street...What are you going to do? How fast can your 62 year old father run?
You are a very dumb person
You are reading it correctly. If you believe the shooter’s chain of events it sounds like he is 100% innocent of a crime, guilty of being a dick after the fact
That is correct, but if you read the quote again he says he crossed the street to AVOID the youths and AVOID a confrontation