
Bold prediction: Americans will forget about Joe Trudeau after the next news cycle.


The grammy’s don’t deserve Beyoncé.

They are! I’m dying laughing.

Some outlet will call this shade, and Kara will have a rage stroke writing the next Shade Court.

This might be a good time to recall something of which many of us are ignorant in our own history. It is estimated that 10 to 30% of Africans forced to our shores as slaves were of Muslim descent: many of them spoke and wrote in Arabic; some of them Hafidhs who had memorised the entire Qu’ran and could recite it in

read and learn while we fight for each other

You guys are nothing if not predictable.

Uh... you know that diverse groups have diverse opinions and people get to voice them. Progressive people tend to get this. It’s not “infighting” or “eating your own” or whatever else detractors want to call it. Our diverse movement can support and respect multiple opinions at the same time - even ones individuals

Pretty good showing for unity. It lasted the weekend.

You know what you call a woman who uses temp and date for birth control?

BTW, Egypt is an excellent model of how this might be accomplished.

I kept reading his last name as anchluss.

Did you also like E1-3???

Pizza in the mourning
Pizza in the grieving
Pizza at somber times

Bagel BitesⓇ

Dude makes pro-genocide statement on twitter. Dude is surprised that this provoked a negative response? I think we typically want a negative response to statements like that. And whatever stupid shit Breitbart probably said, the Twitter responses were not a “horde of racist trolls”. In a couple minutes of