
They also require a vet that is aware of the unique challenges associated with their physique. My local greyhound rescue requires that you use the vet they recommend.

Choo choo is a troll. Fag and dismiss.

Easy — china can only be hand washed and I bet they can’t be bothered, so it’s probably for display only.

No, this isn’t transactional. She didn’t get anything in exchange for the “service”.

What happened was coercion. That’s what makes it a sexual assault.

“Suck my dick and I’ll give you your phone back” = coercion, which is the part that makes is sexual assault

If I’ve learned anything from H. Judge Kara, it’s that 1) most things aren’t shade, and 2) the intention of the speaker doesn’t matter.

My eyes rolled out of my head when I read she as afraid she’d never work again. She got work before because of her family name, and she’ll keep getting work because of her family name.

OT but kind of adjacent

The Mormon love for pyramid schemes is so bizarre to me.

Anyone who has warned me that “marriage changes things” has ended up divorcing from their partner.

Justified made me fall in love with Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins.

I’m not a lawyer, but mrdizzle is.

As others have said, I would strongly recommend that he intern to help figure out if he really wants to go to law school. I’d also recommend that he try to talk to someone who is currently going the kind of work he’d like to do. Their insight and advice will be invaluable.

Legal under the 13th, no?

I mean, I learned about the Métis in high school so you definitely don’t need to write/research a book to know who they are.

I mean, it’s disappointing if you’re expecting it to have the same tone as the original trilogy.

Yes! Drumpf isn’t Holocaust Hitler (yet), but he definitely compares to just-elected-as-Chancellor Hitler.

The Black Tapes podcast is fictional, but it scared the shit out of me and the Season 2 finale literally made my jaw drop. It is excellent!

No. The “look” is absolutely regional and specific to Utah/Idaho. As a former Mormon who grew up in Southern Ontario, this is not a look I ever wore or saw other women wearing.

I’ve only been located once and that was by senior missionaries sending me a nice enough post card. It was full of the standard “we love you and miss you, let us know if we can ever help with anything”.

Can we also talk about how incredibly inappropriate is is for the Bishop, a grown man, to ask teens about their sex lives to make sure they’re “pure” enough for the temple?! What the actual fuck.