
Intern Gino will be so disappointed.

Also, very Annie.


I don't know. You seemed to do a pretty good job.

But I could if I wanted to!

This role definitely must have been true-to-life because it was very similar to "Sarah Silverman" on that episode of Lady Dynamite.

Poor critical reception?! That has to be wrong.

I guess being registered to vote in a district I haven't lived in since I was 18 is finally coming in handy. But how long until it becomes voter fraud? Too bad, Sessions, you'll never catch me. There are dozens of Jews from the 6th District of Georgia!

But, Daddy, Nick Cannon is hilarious.

I was contemplating this also, but if he continues explicitly promoting Russian interests, there is no way this report, even if "debunked," doesn't continue to at least color their impressions of Trump.

And I think Teddy's memory of Wyatt shooting the general sitting on the chair in the middle of the town square was actually Dolores killing Arnold.

The "American" before "Jew" line might've been my highlight.

Nothing I can say other than I went for it and failed spectacularly.

Would you ask these of Tom Petty?

My condolences to his family.

My girlfriend, who while a feminist is also a swing voter, at first criticized Clinton for smugly smirking while Trump spoke. But then she realized that's how any qualified woman would react to being subjected to listening to a man who knows so much less on the topic.

Definitely agree with your point on Alfred/Brian Tyree Henry. All of his choices feel so on point and understated.

Isn't her dad a G.I?

I was kind of hoping that Mike and the gang would at least be a bit more reluctant, or at least taken aback, when they witnessed El cause seven people to drop dead.

Unfortunately, I've experienced much worse. These kids (who I think had a parent buy them tickets to an R-rated comedy because they made him sit on the other side of the row) were Snapchatting™ selfies which is bad enough, but then continued to turn the camera around and actually use the flash several times to light…