This only proved one theory alone: Only five characters will live, so Hodor will die sooner or later.
This only proved one theory alone: Only five characters will live, so Hodor will die sooner or later.
Please someone tell me this is Mira Forrester.
Fat Walda, I miss you. Give Roose some sugar please. He likes the way you ummmph.
Lady Lemonheart.
Still waiting for the time films feature Dragonball-style hand-to-hand combat mixed with instant transmission.
You can be optimistic all you want, I still think this is complete crap. The space-like background feels so fake, the emo vibe from this trailer, not to mention the obvious: they look nothing at all like the Fantastic Four we know. At least the old F4 films stuck to source material, not this "look at us we now have a…
I think there's an error here. That's definitely not Mary Elizabeth Winstead. #correction
In his film What If, he also corrects everyone's mispronunciation of the word forte. It's pronounced for rather than the more common, and utterly wrong, for-tay.
It depends whether you're piercing or thrusting. The motion of the force upon thrusting is usually horizontal/diagonal, and ergo minimal damage on impact. But imagine when you're trying to pierce someone and you miss and happen to hit a brick wall.
Still fails in my mind. My concern is the effect on velocity upon impact. Once you hit something with that at fast speed, your grip will surely slip towards the crossguard (it's called friction), inadvertently proving what everyone warned you what would happen.
This is Coldhands, also referred to as Night's King.
Hey girl, that's not what she meant when she said to "go fuck yourself."
Definitely interested. Ethan Hawke plus science fiction equals quality. Let's see: The last three Ethan Hawke films I saw recently were: Before Midnight, Boyhood, and Predestination (I wanted to add The Purge, but that one was mediocre). I hold these three films in high regard, and I love the quality of storytelling…
Loved the first two, but no film is shittier than the third one.
It was fairly obvious from the beginning that the J in R+L=J was Joffrey anyway.
I felt a Dawson's Creek kind of vibe when I saw this guy introduced/
Honestly one of the best films of 2014. It's a total mindfuck and a better time travel premise than that overrated Looper.
AFAIR, Rudolph was and probably still is a girl.
More lolworthy but shocking nonetheless is the postapocalyptic ending of Army of Darkness.