Kuwabara Kazuo

Seems relevant, of course.

That flayed man!!!! Tell me that's the Dreadfort! Tell me there is development of Bolton involvement for this season!! Tell me there is Reek! It rhymes with sneak! Tell me that means Reek equals Ramsay!

I can never get Kotaku vids to play widescreen. So many wonderful pixels, so tiny view.

That chick definitely looks like a lesbian daughter of Khloe Kardashian and Angelina Jolie.

Bug-ridden game is bug-ridden.

Gaping Dragon? Or Pussy Dragon? Pussy in both bits of figurative definition.

Reminds me of that FFVII film, which then reminds me of FFXIII's current status. Squeenix should've just made a film of Lightning instead of making another game, focus on things which are rather important.. like maybe announcing the death of Osama bin Versus XIII.

I miss McWhertor.

The same was said of Resident Evil 6 and look how that turned out. Reboot my ass.

PSN means that includes Vita, right?!

The biggest revelation in this movie is Jon Snow! WTF? He knows nothing about Silent Hill! He knows nothing, period.

Parappa the Raper.

Amazing. Hilarious. Outrageous. Sad.

Somehow, somewhere, someone's so stupified at Spiderman's sudden sadistic streak.

Butt ugly. Nothing beats the glossy design of the first releases despite its bulk. And its YLOD issue.

Makes me think of Scientology.

Good thing his first name isn't Harry!

I've always wanted to play with an Old man.

It took him 13 years to don the cosplay, 'cause he's all out of 13 years olds.

I like Gon as an extra character but seriously if you pass off Tekken just because you can't play as Gon, you're better off playing button mashing fighting games like Soul Calibur or Bloody Roar, not saying they're bad. Gon is a noob character.