You crossed a line when you used "oriental."
You crossed a line when you used "oriental."
It's considered highly offensive to refer to people as oriental. I'm an American of Asian descent. Call me oriental to my face and we'll have a problem.
Thank you for clearing the air. As an Asian American we absolutely do not refer to ourselves as oriental. My immigrant parents do not refer to themselves as oriental. It is 100% completely offensive to refer to us as such.
"They" ?
I am an Asian American who has learned to deal with offense in a purely American fashion. If you were ever to refer to me as "oriental" to my face, an apology would be demanded of you followed with a fist to the face if you were to refuse.
As an ASIAN AMERICAN, fuck you very much.
How is Infamous 2? I'm playing through the first one. I really like it and think it's one of the few good franchises to emerge from this generation.
So you're saying that you don't want games with better sound, better graphics, better lighting, more open environment, better communities?
This is madness trying to rationalize itself folks. Take notes. Don't forget what it looks like.
So according to your numbers, not mine, Sony captured 46% of the handheld market share with their first foray into handheld gaming. Name me one company that took 46% market share on their first attempt with existing competitors on the market.
This is why fanboyism makes no sense. These are companies that are out to make money, and that's 90% of what matters to them. Fans only matter if discontent is starting to make for bad PR.
If you look strictly at marketshare, not really.
PSP is a pretty big success story. It's the only handheld to give Nintendo any serious competition, ever.
They probably have a pretty big warchest from the DS and Wii. It's going to take at least 2 console failures to put them into the software only lane. And the WiiU isn't even out yet. The 3DS is doing fine, just not meeting expectations. They're still in the black. I wouldn't worry about Nintendo any time soon.
Yeah, I feel like they're doing armchair comparisons between the phones. When they're repeating the same tired critcisms about Android that have long been addressed within the software, it's pretty indicative that they're just full of it.
Like Hotmail. Once upon a time everybody used Hotmail.
Hell yes. I might even argue that Nokia hardware > Apple hardware.
Are you just now realizing that? There's a reason why Android picked up in popularity in the later releases.
Skype's business model is based on having wider exposure. They make money from calls and nothing else. It would be advantageous for MS to continue to allow Skype to be rolled out onto as many platforms as possible. The second Skype starts becoming a closed platform is the second an alternative will replace it. Just…
It sold 11 million copies over the course of 13 years, hardly a valid comparison. Diablo 3 isn't even my counter argument. It's hilarious that you don't think serious money is made on the PC. Thanks for giving me another example though, SC1 sold 11 million copies on the PC. So apparently PC gamers don't buy games and…