That's not true at all. Diablo 3?
That's not true at all. Diablo 3?
Maybe they could hack Sallie Mae and free us from all the student loan debt.
Some say that Luke Skywalker was a terrorist... Just saying.
Depends on the FPS, if you're playing something that requires fast paced twitch-like accuracy, like Quake Live or Counter-strike, you're going to get your ass handed to you. If you play something like CoD where the hitboxes for the headshots are the size of Alaska, you'll do fine.
Yeah. I mean if I was a parent and my kid wanted to play OOT, I'd pull out the N64 and be like, "here ya go!"
I know, but this time economic forces are conspiring against them and the strategy is falling flat on its face. That said, I don't want Nintendo to fail. I love my Nintendo, though admittedly I'm a little bitter with my Wii experiences.
Trolled by Sony.
And to be fair, none of those are actually brand new games.
Agreed. For the same price, PSV for me.
I think they're being greedy in refusing to launch with one of their major franchises. The strategy is to get a boost off the launch of the system with shitty to mediocre titles. And then utilize a major franchise like Mario or Zelda to get additional boosts in sales along the way. Anybody else notice this trend?
Brand new PS2 slims are $99.
Ha! 60 fps for you maybe Owen! I'll be running it much higher than that!! MUAHAHAHAHA
I'm pretty sure for a good 3/4th of the current life of the gaming industry, most of the games that you're playing today were exclusively on the PC platform. Halo was originally developed for the Mac. Diablo? Warcraft? Starcraft? Civilization? Total War series? Quake. Doom. Duke Nukem. Call of Duty didn't hit consoles…
I havne't had any problems with mine.
Hell yeah, I have the G2x. So sexy!
"Without consoles, modern games like MW2 would never exist in the first place. "
New maps used to be free, user-made, and better than anything the developer put out. sigh..nostalgia.
Consoles outsell PC's because they cost $300 and are idiot proof.
lol, seriously? Open up cross platform multiplayer and we'll see.