
I'm sorry that you don't have good Android phones to select from. I play games like Dungeon Defender, NFS: Shift, and I run my PSX4Droid emulator just fine on my G2. Maybe if you bothered to do some Googling you could find there are plenty of games on the Android platform.

Sad thing is those graphics aren't even stellar. Black Ops uses DX9 whose first iteration was released in 2002 and subsequently updated here and there but still....

No, the market has spoken. Android based phones are now dominant in the smartphone market. The reason Apple has been so good at monetizing the app store is because for a long time the iPhone was the dominant smartphone and it was running a closed system where every developer was forced to go through their app store.

Agree 100%. I just want PSN up again so I can enjoy some tasty Portal 2 Coop with my friend.

Nexus S still has some of the best specs on the market. The only reason I chose my G2 over it is because I like having a keypad.

Oh, I didn't realize someone with a $100/month cellphone plan was hurting for money.

My T-Mobile G2 is superior to the iPhone experience.

I call shenanigans. The CC database hasn't even been released yet or even cracked open yet for all we know.

They're more usable for people that barely touch the computer. I don't think they're functionally more useful for the power user. At least that's how I feel in Office 2007. Office 2003 is still my favorite version.

Or you could, you know..just play World of Warcraft?

There's already an ultra easy mode, it's called watching a MOVIE.

No, no one wants a new system. There has been no significant clamor for any new system in any of the online gaming communities.

I always say this and I'll never stop saying this:

why can't I promote this

Most people already have SSIV. They need to stop with the remakes already it's getting old. If you look at the Top DS games on, most of them are remakes. Seriously? Can Nintendo not come up with a new idea for a game?

I think what's hurting the 3DS is the $250 price tag in a time when the world is reeling from a global economic crises. There is a lack of games that utilize the 3D in a gaming context more than just a gimmick context. (See Wii games that just simply replaced a convenient button press with a needless motion.)

I played with the 3DS for a little bit and it was pretty neat. For me it wasn't a OMG I MUST HAVE THIS experience.

I bought into the Wii magic and it ended up with me putting it on Craig's List. I'll wait a couple of years to see how Nintendo's 3rd party support pans out from now on.

There's no anonymous group. Anybody can be anonymous. If you decide to gun down some random dude in the street and leave a note with "Anonymous" on it. Then Anonymous did it. That's what's so powerful about having a completely anonymous group with revolving participation.

This is stupid. Buying up T-Mobile does not constitute a net increase in bandwidth per user. Building and upgrading infrastructure does. I don't think I have to tell anybody here that this is just the next step toward further monopolization of an already narrow market.