
@rebelphoenix1983: I make enough money that a dollar here and there is a worthy trade off for on-demand convenience.

@Soniku: ahem...Thief? Rainbow 6. Swat. Counterstrike.

Wow! Another developer that actually loves games for more than the money they bring in.

@Space Bot: Mouse and keyboard can be a bit daunting for the masses. But the accuracy and precision and speed makes for much more exciting game play amongst competitive players.

Now playing

The PC FPS experience is so much better!

@rebelphoenix1983: I do. I purchase movies off the PSN video store. Why am I justifying purchasing a bigger hdd for a device I own to strangers on the internet? shrug.

@Android8675: I have a library of movies on my ps3.

@ReticulateLemur: Promoted so people whose PS3 HDD's are overloaded can get a great deal!

I thought the post was going to be about Doctor Who. :-(

@carpe_k9006: The Duke does not rule with love. He rules with fear.

Looking at the success that is Minecraft and LBP, I'm noticing a common theme. There's something about creating and building things that strikes a chord with us. I spent hours in 3D Dot Heroes making characters in the character creation system. I never even really got into the actual game haha.

Basically they want to know make sure people are still alive when playing their boring system.

@splatternick: That's how I feel. I played the multiplayer for a couple days and it just never sat right with me so I went back to every other game I have.

Meh! I have Bioshock 2 for the PS3. I played it through once and never touched it again. It was kind of boring and I only finished because I paid money for it.

I want to see Viking Quest!

@YuniYoshi: I agree as well. The gimmick sounds nice on paper but in practice gets old.