@Game_Munkee: LOL niceeeee. Love the reference.
@Game_Munkee: LOL niceeeee. Love the reference.
The size of that bezel on the screen makes me think that an XL version is being planned for future release.
@AmataPsyche: Sorry, I'm a huge fan of Monkey Island haha. I know it's stupid for me to like something because of a tiny thing like changing the skin. That said, I REALLY LOVE MONKEY ISLAND.
@Raikiri999: I remember reading that it was canned. This will be the last Force Unleashed game.
Oh wow, this turned the game from a complete dismissal to a must-have for me.
@mindsale: I've been playing Thongs of Virtue for a couple of years now.
@TheJoser: Do you know anything about Minecraft?
Shouldn't this really be titled, "Don't buy shit on Ebay. Ever."?
@Wellmont: This. I have been playing "social" games for a long time now. I still have friends that I made from playing Counter-Strike 8 years ago. I speak to them on a regular basis.
@Lansan1ty: You would have a valid point except WoW was never released on a console. You release a game for the PC, include an appropriate control scheme. You release a game for a console, include the appropriate controls.
@Kanji08: They couldn't have made 2 control schemes, like every other game ever made? That's a horrible defense for bad design.
The controls were so bad for this game that I uninstalled it on that basis alone.
@Baconrath: Sure runs like it!
@manobon: It has seemed that for the first iteration of every hand held, it has been best to wait until revision 2 for the best version.
Would it be wise to wait for the 3DS lite?
@Tyrphanax: truth
@zelfmoordkonijn: seriously? seriously?!
@Prosthetics: We shouldn't think about games like that. There should be value in the form of enjoyment and entertainment in the present. This is why I'll never play an MMO again.
@Yazah: I guess it's ok to fuck someone over as long as you state it beforehand.