@josephmeraz: OMG! I'm excited for you. I would playing the crap out of VC2 right now if it weren't for school.
@josephmeraz: OMG! I'm excited for you. I would playing the crap out of VC2 right now if it weren't for school.
@ollemadnotglad: LOL!
@carpe_k9006: You don't get access to any multiplayer unless you pay for XBL.
@ProjectVII: This is actually pretty bad. Boo Sony!
@josephmeraz: You can play either game. Don't worry. You'll fall in love with it right away!
oh god yes yes oh god oh god yes yes yes yes yes.!~
@roomba001: Or FF14 abortion.
@SpeedNut: <3
@rolsenrob: My point is, the specifications for that computer is retarded for gaming. They're asking you to pay a lot of money that goes very little toward actually increasing performance in games.
@paranoidmarv: Sorry I should have clarified. Yeah I didn't even mention the 16,000 dollar configuration because the thing is so retardedly pointless for gaming. Dual xeons, really? I guess you'll get some really fast alt-tabbing action for an extra 10,000 dollars.
I'm sitting here looking at this post again. Why? It pisses me off!
@Baboonski: Final Fantasy 14. Nuff said. Also, horrible game.
@paranoidmarv: The processors are core i7 930's, they're dropping to $200 bucks soon, from $280. I don't know where you're getting your numbers. A GTX 480 is about 450 bucks a pop. A liquid cooling system is a little tricky but will run you under $300 easily to set up, even with flashy colors.
This is absurdly stupid. You could put one of these together for less than half the cost.
@iamKitKatBar: FF14 is so bad. No hardware mouse? COME ON!
@DarkPGR: Hello person # 5 out of 12 to care about the loss of that feature.
@Strangelove: A realistic driving simulator:
@BobotheTeddy: You mean this wasn't a photoshop contest?
Why are people so obsessed with car damage?