
How about making your comment history public so we can all take lazy potshots at you, doxx you, threaten to rape your dog, etc.? If you don't, it must be because you are scared of freedom of speech, right, Cupcake?

Zombies and haunted houses are totally played out. I'd love to play a board game about any of those other topics, though.

Be honest with us: are you just shitposting, or did this comment require a significant effort on your part? Not sure which would be more pathetic.

Watch out dude or you'll have Bernie Bros all over your ass.

Skyfall would've been a better movie if he skied over a bunch of dudes lunches, though.

Yeah, I'm definitely not getting it either. Face to Face might be a better point of comparison.

"You got Davos Seaworth? Why you no get Davos A+worth?"

The strategy to try to outspend the Russians actually started in the Carter administration and peaked around 1982. It certainly wasn't Reagan's idea. All you can give Reagan credit for is continuing Carter's policy.

I know about Trustbusters, starring Kristen Wiig as Teddy Roosevelt. Are there any others?

And the explanation's not even correct! It refers to the Roman practice of killing 10% of troops from regiments that did poorly in battle. (Basically the ancient Roman equivalent of "rank and yank".)

I'm guessing one of the Werner Squirtzog movies: Fitzpornaldo, Jizzly Man, Aguirre: Girth of God, Cave of Forgotten Reams, etc.

"Syringe Mouth" is still one of those songs that gets me amped up even though I've heard it a thousand times before.

I thought it was the guy from Social Distortion singing till now.

Speaking of Hedaya, do you think he even got an audition for Robert Shapiro? He's one of those actors that could make anything better, IMO.

God rock died when the first God said: God's not dead.

Weekend at Jehovah's 2

Well, he did apply for a concealed carry permit at one point because he feared for his family's life and (rightfully) didn't trust law enforcement to protect him. Of course that's a far cry from "MLK loved guns" but it doesn't stop my wingnut brother from trotting it out every fucking MLK day.

"Get in there, you furry ape! I don't care what you smell!"