

Nazareth's "Now You're Messing (With a Son of a Bitch)"

Blow-jack Whoresman

Spiritualized, Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space

Alt-rock died when the first Pkunk said/Alt's not dead

I kind of want there to be a group of Trappist Monks that make dope rhymes instead of beer. Trap music, indeed.

She gets her golden an from Stan, who got it from Dan, who got it from Fran in the tan van.

What the fuck do you get out of this?

Suicidal Tendencies' first album came out in '83. D.R.I.'s first album came out in '84.

I thought that was a subtle nod to the name of the beer — "Dos Equis" => "two 10's"

Leavenworth's a male-only prison. Look at you, clever monkey, mindlessly repeating a talking point that was dumb and incoherent 6 months ago when Cruz started humping it. Curious: when was the last time you had an original thought?

Arrested Development

Malt does more than Milton can
To justify God's ways to man

Really, Oklahoma City wasn't a product of "our own domestic right wing"? I'm looking forward to your hilarious explanation of how Timothy McVeigh was actually a liberal.

Move back to Fuckheadistan. We've got enough of your kind here already.

If it was a polar bear I think they would've shown it in the main Oscars. But because it was a BoC (Bear of Color), he got relegated to the 2nd tier event.

Christian Bale got totally hosed in the Best Christian Block of Hay category.

Hardy was a super weird dude.