
Gheorghe Mureșan

And who excused the remark as satire? Show your work, dipshit. You made the claim that every remark of his is dismissed as satire, then gave a SINGLE example of a remark by him, with no evidence anyone dismissed it as satire.

"Shoot, a fella could have a good weekend in Vegas with all that misogyny!"

Or forced to live life in a glasshouse

Try harder.

The girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider. The boys go to Mars to get more candy bars. Wake up sheeple!!!!

I thought the definition, ca. Shakespeare, was it's a comedy if it ends with a wedding, and a tragedy if it ends with a funeral.

For baseball, the home starting pitcher gets to pick the uniform worn (I thought this was a hard and fast rule, but according to Wikipedia, it's just a convention that most teams follow.)

Let me guess: you don't use your brain for a living, do you?

I wonder if Paul F. Tompkins knows any yo-yo tricks.

Apparently there was a meeting where they it was decided that Steve Guttenberg was too good looking and talented.

And Oscar Wilde. There's a guy known for realistic depictions of human nature, the exploration of serious issues, and never running a totally obvious concept into the ground!

Oh for fucks' sake. The lame arguments you've made against Vonnegut here could just as easily apply to Norman Mailer and Oscar Wilde. And the Sorrows Of Young Werther? I don't even know what to say to that except there's really no accounting for taste.

You forgot Westing!

I like both versions of the song, but you make a great point. Another good example: pretty much all of Sun Kil Moon's Modest Mouse cover album.

Good point — I'm not a broscriptivist, but perhaps "mancession" is a serious scientific term that has no place in an article about bad TV shows.

He once made a bass amp out of smallmouth bass.

No, flouride that is ingested works by a different mechanism from flouride that is topically applied.

John Stossel is just pissed because King Joffrey is the only character on television more cartoonishly stupid and unlikeable than he is.

It's all about context. Since it's a cooking show, "a dick" in this context can refer to a cake with pieces of fruit in it, rather than male genitalia.