Smooth, comfortable, powerful, spot on retro body style.
Smooth, comfortable, powerful, spot on retro body style.
Someone else’s project car
We have a winner, folks. This can’t even fall under a novelty laugh just because there’s nowhere to park this monstrosity.
A Miata. I’d spend all day every day out driving it. My girlfriend would leave me because I’d never spend any time with her. I’d lose my job. My house would be foreclosed on. My dogs would be out on the street.
Not a particular model, but any tastelessly modified car that can’t be brought back to stock easily. Noooope.
Put it on craigslist and enjoy all the wankers that offer a broken Xbox and a carton of smokes for it.
Enter it in the Baja 1000.
I’m sure selling a Veyron in the private market is a very simple, painless process.
“I’d just sell the thing”. Sooooo, a gift of at least a $million.
The Porsche Cayenne, I don’t care if its great, its ugly and is the embodiment of car companies trying to cash in on a trend. Porsche makes sports cars, not SUVs for rich soccer moms.
Which would net you a literal boat load of money, so it would make a great gift.
I agree. To me a free car is a free car. If I don’t like it, I will sell, trade, or donate it
This car has ZERO usability.
Murano Convertible.
I had a dream once that my parents gave me and my wife a car, out of the kindness of their hearts.
Veyron (or Chiron). I could never drive it to its full potential and the running costs/taxes/etc. would be way out of my ballpark.
Nothing - even the shittiest non-operable car I can donate to charity for the tax deduction.
Prius. I would trade it in immediately to put towards a car I actually wanted.