
What's with this animation, looks like Top Cat The Movie, Futurama had better 3d animation, I would have made the texture be cel shaded

Fine, use that guy from Oliver and Company as reference

Just reuse Gaston or Jafar animatronics

After that interview with Matt Stone and Trey Parker not knowing what Samurai Jack was, I don't think Trey Parker has much appreciation to animation especially for being on this schlock

80s retro is now so played out, I mean I own plently of 80s movies and music before I was even born, but this movie is not like an apperciation of the 80s, just a shallow marketing tool for parents

The new My Little Pony movie looking like Top Cat the movie does not give me confidence

Eh Slave Princess Jasmine got me through puberty

Have you IHE's deconstruction of the Movie "Sing" distilled why that studio sucks and mediocre

I try to lower my expectations for every Edgar Wright movie after Hot Fuzz, because most movies are a dissapointment after Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz was near perfection as one kf the greatest movie of all time, this probably won't be that amazing, but I'm sure it's fun

I don't know, I barely paid attention to my parents, I never bother to learn Spanish

That would be a funny episode of My Little Pony

Well I don't have BBC, and may only get it if Russel T Davis take back Doctor Who

Conservatism, communism for Rich White Men, soon Putin will restart the Soviet union on West Russia

I would visit these Town Hall, to laugh at Cosby face for this bullcrap irony, also Leonard Part 6 sucked, not as great as Leonard part 2

Oh fuck off, she amazing actress, Bob's Burger being perhaps the only watchable animated show on Fox

I have Aspergers, and I'm more insulted of these antivaxxers, than those Puzzle piece bitches and also that mediocre Ben Affleck movie

Guardians Of The Galaxy and Deadpool are so far from their main series continuity that they feel fresh playing their own playground away from the bogged down narrative

Did you not understand the deconstruction of Joseph Campbell of The Lego Movie?

Slightly over a year, got a Film bachelor, I'm trying to make my own comic series, and produce animatics for movies and shows