
I don't care about sex tape, fine don't show it, but your missing the bigger picture

Why can't these triggered conservatives just be honest and say they just defend freedom of speech only for right straight white dudes, at this pointless it's obvious they just want to tread others

That's not even how Libertarism works, that's Anarcho Capitalism, or a crony plutocracy

But a sex tape makes more interesting hook for a doc

Fine Communist Russia also doesn't like free press

Hitler used that excuse, than Trump

This is what I'm afraid, a plutocracy run crony socialism government

This is horrible news, Lindelof is like the American Steven Moffat, he just ruins tv shows with poor writing

Once again China ruins movies. Free Hong Kong to make badass action movies again!

These Transformers movies are basically made by jocks that beat up fans of the original series, or Michael Bay is more insane and has more contempt of humanity than the Joker, as shown with the pessimisitic almost misanthropic "Pain and Gain" and Bay laughing at fans of this movie making essentially dadism

"TF4" what's that?

The movies, music, and games you had fun with are just products to be sold and purchase within a capitalist society, even arthouse movies are just products of a subsidiary of a major company

Well I appreciate effort to not look so obviously shallow

With Michael Bay ugly pessimistic viewpoint on people generally, and bizarre overly stylized look, Pain and Gain almost feels like an odd fun cult classic 90s indie movie like Boondocks Saints, Fight Club, Basketball Diaries (except maybe the scene with a GameCube controller)

Well then I'm safe, I didn't even watch the show

I thought they did with those horrible Ninja Turtles movies

Nope Bay just quits, soon there will be a lower budget Bumblebee movie for younger kids, which might not be so bad, as these movies are hardly appropriate for younger children, not to be a prude but there's no merit and just bitter toxi negativity with these movies

These movies don't even need the money so they can underpaid special effects studios to bankruptcy and instead spend the money on hookers covered with cocaine

I kinda like Mission Impossible 2 :p

And from some of the reviews I skimmed through, she pointless