
I have have skip some words, I edited some fixes

Aside from no one shooting point blank at Barry while saying "block this" (though if they coordinated better, they could have landed one shot not blocked) I have no major complaints of these last 2 episodes, which picked up

I thought it was a knockoff of Wyldstyle which a parody of Trinity of The Matrix

Why not just advertise cupcakes at a diabetes group

Hope it's as good as that Roger Stone doc, that guy helped made the Republican party a bunch right wing socialist douchebags making American to be West Korea with Rich White Power Communism

Well I did like Rober Smigel aka Triump Insult Comedy Dog one liners, that guy a decent punch up writer, but Adam Sandler Marty Stu characterization just annoys me, he endanger his grandson, learn nothing, and gets what he wants with little effort because fight sequence

Meh it was more cinematic and funner for me to watch Arnold have that speech

Meh, a Pariah to what? People of another country?

Who ships Arnold and Dev?

Are we just arguing semantics at this point?

Looked up asexuality, asexuals can still kiss

Jack forgot about his childhood crush, another reason he's not Asexual

Jack was not Asexual

Even the forced fight squence?

Give them to me

With Tom Kenny on his A game? Pfft

Than the series end with a pause like Rocky 3

The black goo was kinda a cop out, though Greg Baldwin basically playing a guy on a one night stand was fantastic

But that's such fine booty

What if Ashi said "I can not self terminate" and Jack has to kill again like Terminator 2