
Though how close Bob has to be to break even for a small business not to have any decent revenue and not just close shop

Has Bob Burgers made more holiday specials than any other tv show?

The moment Ashi decides for herself to leave her past and confront her mother means she already maturing, she had to save Jack from suicide with her own agency and her own nely freed up curisosity that was suppressed as a child

Greg Universe's a infant next to Rose Quartz

Unable to give consent!? She took out like a movie trilogy worth of orcs, and killed her abusive controlling mother that suppressed her thinking, once she did that, she let go of the limited thinking of her past after already exploring the world, not her mother or even Jack make her own decisions anymore

I think later Linda were not that gullible to knew that the plays were not that great, and decides just to have a kids version.

Well it doesn't matter what the fans thought, the series over

Are you ok with Ashi touching herself? :/

No I'm asking WHEN, not Who

Your kinda coddling a grown woman with an active sexual drive, I mean Jack got those sexy abs

Well before I would be interesting with a discussion on Samurai Jack, but oh man that next Steven Bomb, that was fun, but do got me some nitpicks.

Well she like her mid 20s, biogiocally combatiable to a 30 year old Highlander

Well I asked for a Furiosa Max dynamic, however there is that set up of Jack being a King, so Jack was gonna get with a wife eventually

So when is Ashi allow to express herself sexually? Like is she suppose to have a full formal sexual educational, I mean you don't know that she didn't had sex ed. Is she supposed to practice with a pillow first

Oh crap does that mean Jack will lose her like The Highlander

So get Georgd Miller direction instead of Christopher Nolan filler

But with the Guardian episode, Jack was suppose to rebuild his family kingdom, so be grateful is either this or rushed montage like Regular Show with Mordecai and unnamed bat lady

And lets be clear, Jack was gonna rebuild his family kingdom

This show needs more Zoidberg

I kinda don't care; I'm ok with complaints of people different than me. I only ask that we can focus to discuss from a narrative structure perspective than just arbitary social issues, otherwise we would have to complain than a Black guy and a Jewish woman pretends to be Asian