
Meh, I just like to use right wing terminology to confuse Conservatives, which besides Republican has been more big government since Nixon Southern Strategy

I'm waiting for Southerns that specifically have British colonial heritage get mad at other Whites, but than another faction of Scandavania White Southerns fight back thinking Brunettes, thus a White civil war that may end with inbreeding

No Metallica stole Dave Mustaine songs, and kicked his dog

No, government can serve basic needs, such as law enforcement and civil rights, that's the differencs between Libertarianism and Anarcho Capitalism

The point is, that both political parties give too much power for a ruling class, either high ranking bureacrats or rich people with cronyism control over government spouting off "trickle down" econonmy

All the main characters are flaw and complex, I never felt it was that preachy as the character morals are undermined by relatable human actions

Later episodes deconstructs Sam's actions

National Socialism with a plutocracy controlling the free market with bailouts would be what I consider as Communism

Maybe I'm the most right commentor on AVClub as a moderate classical Liberal/ Green Libertarian/ South Park Republican :p

Identity Based politics are on the Right and Left


Do they even read AVClub?

Well I think the title works for this review, though if we can add political terminology, I'm trying to make "White Power Communism" as a term for Conservatives and Alt Right

Well some Japanese people like Metal

The maker of this show made this specifically because of current Identity Based Politics, to showcase that racial tensions are still high

Pfft I'm Hispanic and can't stand Spanish music, and mostly listen metal
Identity Based Politics of the Right and Left hold back people for just being themselves

Well I'm Cuban, and can't speak Spanish, but instead learn some Japanese so I can relate
I'm a dissapointment to my parents :p

Well for a dialogue driven show, I thought the direction was great

Pfft I already watch the whole series already, anyway the series gets better, with more of the flawed characters examined, and already asking for season 2

You should read me on Steven Universe reviews, I over examine stuff :p