
That's been a problem with the show short running time, I'm just grateful this was a two parter, besides I'm not sure how nationalism even works on this show anyway.

This is one of my favorite episodes, major props for Dave Willis terrific voicework, I for most part disagree with this review (not consider Andy a complex character, yet would perfer him to be a shallow jerk like Kevin, which I consider to be like the fourth worse character of the show)

I would have liked more references to ATHF, like Andy saying something like "I just left Jersey to get away from freaks, but now I gotta face more freaks"

So some world building observations

Before I talk about this episode, how awesome was Regular Show, Mordecai likes Dragonforce, one of the funnest Power Metal bands

Episode name please

Did Teddy mentioned his divorce before, at least he seem better adjusted Bill Dauterive

I've seen Shawshank Redemption, I guess that twist :p

More like plain political fake bologna sandwhich vs radioactive baby aids cancer virus

Ok this dead twitter gag is getting old quick, besides I'm sure they can play FPS on school Cartman and post on Facebook, also maybe one of the guys would at least post a hiatus due to technical difficulties out of guilt

Oops I did a typo

Hack his computer with some NSA stuff than.

I like it when that black lady explained how whatever unimportant an internet troll is

Also maybe Craig and Cylde being gay

I like that song, gonna check it out later

If Craig and Tweek were at the background totally fine during the break up sequence would be a fun gag to me

Aside from Heidy's opening which I thought was funny, I was meh, the punchline quitting social media as serious as death is short lived gag to me

If they suprised Cartman, hold him up, and check his computer without permission quickly, it could have be easily resolved

They could have either check Cartman internet history or just watch over him for a few hours

Those kids want to kill bugs