
aside from that, the dreaded DMV, which Pearl would have been a US citizen anyway if she hanged around the United States after the Gem invasion

Eh sounds like a spoof of Hipster rock, like Scott Pilgrim

So apparently Pearl was afraid of the po po, and doesn't think she can a liscened

Peridot: Wait Steven is there

That pink hair lady is at least more interesting than that Randy that Connie broke his arm

I think the gems predate the American government, which completely destroys any fan theory that the Gems helped out America during colonial times

Maybe Greg can resolve this with Ben Affleck's plan at Chasing Amy

So there's Shakespeare at Steven Universe would there be a flashback episode with Shakespeare, like that one Doctor Who episode

Did Ben Wyatt run that town?

Does anyone care about abusive Lars/Sadie relationship? I rather watch Pearl/Pink Hair Lesbian instead

So if Pearl went to the DMV the government would finally try to apprehend the gems?

but what if Greg steal her? :(

I would like to visit Canada, but hey I'm attending a Slayer/Anthrax concert, maybe I can get Kerry King or Joey to sweat on me while I'm moshing near the stage, how about that :P

If only Bowie was alive for a cameo, he had a space theme

Was it an X on that slip of paper, I thought it was an S

I guess Dave wouldn't like gay space rocks, unlike back when at an old unplugged show which he said "Promises" can be a love song for any couple "even a man and a dog" :P, but eh I guess not, maybe some obscure power metal band with some space theme

I have, but I think there maybe another reference to a movie I hadn't watched

Nope this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I like to think by including those aspects helps makes this one of the better episode, as it pointed Gem and Human relationship, hopefully more the pink haired lady can bring out more interesting writing potential to me for the show in terms of world building

I was gonna say John Hughes, but this felt like a post 80s Teen movie with that great alt rock soundtrack, if this episode reference a specific teen movie, I would like to watch it maybe later

Whoa police on this show?! and Pearl mentioned a government institution, and a Gem not Amethsyth willing to interact with other humans, that's frosting for an amazing episode for me, more of this please