
But no one ask direct questions to the gems (not even Steven that much despite Pearl giving Steven that mirror with Lapis to ask questions to), also the military would probably shoot them out of paranoia

So Germany is a country on Steven Universe, did they had Hitler? And use diamonds as a symbol like tbe Swastika as purity or strength

I consider that just a writing flub like crashing through glass without cuts

Marty probably spent it on cocaine and hookers

But Gem stuff seem very perserve and untouched by humans

Cocaine and hookers maybe?

That was a mini-fridge

So there's 4 Diamonds on the airplane, which support my concept of White Diamond part of Earth society, just patiently waiting to strike Steven and the Gems at the right moment

I like Steven monolog on roadies, reminds of Eddie Riggs on Brutal Legend, and that Motorhead song

I don't remember an episode with Steven being strong

Well Marty's teeth wasn't as pointy as Greg's memory/Steven's interpretation

How about a spinoff comic?

Nick and 2003 Leonardoes are better than the inferior 80s series

Im kinda disappointed this is not a complex discussion on gender identification

Im not sure this count as an interesting example of tv show gender identification, Katie could have just dyed her hair, this isn't the Crying Game.

Why is there 2 boring stick in the mud leader type guys, it's like having Leonardo and Cyclops on the same team, pointless

Which is why the easy solution is ditch the old name, because Voltron as a name mostly attracts a few old neckbeards, and just make a fresh new franchise

Another complaint I have is two stick in mud leader type characters, it's like having Leonardo and Cyclops on the same team

Im just, but Green kid is a tranny? Which would be the most progressive kid show

Typically it's at least 2 gals with a team of 5 as Tvtropes said