Aderoth Anstian

I love the album. Quality thrash mixed with less easily labeled songs like Halo on Fire. I must be in the minority though cause I think Hetfields vocals sound better than they have in a long time. \m/

Pretty sure the refrain "for the old gods and the new" was a political calculation designed to tamper religious tension between newly united North and South by the Targaryens 300 years prior.

It's also used as a clear indication of the strength or amount of warg, i.e. First Men, blood present in the Stark family line.

EvE Online has true loss of assets.

lol my bad internet sarcasm is hard for me :)

Believe he/she meant Bran and yes the child of the forest does tell Meera that she will be needed for the next leg of Brans story. That combined with the comment about him not always being in the north makes it all the more likely he will not just chill and warg from a holy weirwood stand in the middle of dead people

Suppose that's definitely an interpretation but it didn't come off that way at all.

Yea you probably nailed it there. Drogon has chosen Dany so even though he is free he won't be helping out Bran but perhaps Tyrion taking the collars off is a prelude to a dragon jail break where they disappear into the horizon to find their riders. One of them goes and picks up Bran after hearing his warg call i.e. a

I didn't slog through the 1000+ comments from the episode review so don't know if anyone pointed this out.