Aden Norwich

The people who didn’t vote lived in states where the primaries were pretty much done for, or had to work.

Humans are naturally communal, humans survived by group behavior which required a communal lifestyle to maintain.

So an irredeemable idiot complains about not attending an irredeemable bigot’s funeral

Let’s be honest, they are center right at best

We live in a society in rigged towards the white employer class. To maintain civility in a rigged game is dooming yourself to failure

So what did the founders actually believe? Well according to Hamilton:

The Greenwald left was always suspicious about Meuller

Does he know the Catholic Church’s stance on the death penalty?

If you want games to get better than you have to be willing for a company to suffer the consequences for making bad games. If Bethesda fails the ip will be auctioned off and bought by microsoft or some other company.