Adelle (Fashionista Lab)

The best interaction came at the end, between Baxter and Molesly, when she talked about his strength and he paused and said, "my WHAT"? It's sweet how his cluelessness and naïveté have actually served him well vis-a-vis Baxter. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in that relationship in season 5.

Mrs. Hughes is the bomb dot com and totally laid the SMACK down on Braithewaite. I'm kind of waiting for the day when the fact that Mrs. Hughes will go through anyone's stuff comes back to bite her in the ass, but until then I'm all about her maintaining peace, balance and justice downstairs. I don't generally feel a

Here are my concerns about this Anna storyline: sexual assault is a very serious matter. this will change Anna's life. She'll no longer feel safe at Downton Abbey. She might be skittish, fearful, forgetful; she might have flashbacks. Did you see how she recoiled when her husband tried to touch her? It would be bad