
I’ve taken to blocking users on FB who spout the Trump nonsense, right after I post this message for anyone who follows that person to see, which I saw posted on another person’s FB page.

Can you please talk to the city officials in and around my city in NJ?  There are ZERO places with drive thru here, and no spaces for curbside pickup.  Even the Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks don’t have drive thrus.  I hate it.

And that the GOP congresspeople actually seem to think they’d have been safe.  As though any of those rioters were going to question who they were or look up their names?  They’d have been just as dead as any Democrat who had been caught.  

You can see it here:

The scariest clip I see playing over and over is the one of the black Capitol officer trying to hold off the mob on the stairs, and one white man charges him over and over, making him back farther up the stairs.  That poor officer must have been terrified facing down what could happen to him by a bunch of ignorant

This is the only way that would happen.

While she was in college, my sister had a UTI that went untreated because she’s the type that figures even a broken arm will be fine eventually. It spread to her kidneys and she passed out with an intense fever. Luckily her boyfriend happened to stop by and take her to the emergency room. The doctors told us that her

It’s possible, which is why I try to curb my annoyance (and would never say anything to them, regardless, because kids are kids).  But TBH, the parents holler quite a lot, too.  So it might be a cultural difference, too. 

I have a neighbor behind me whose kid shrieks ALL THE TIME. Listen, kids make noise, I get it. But this is a 10 year old that bounces on a trampoline and shrieks in a high pitched voice the entire time. I can hear it in the house even with all the windows closed. Sitting on my deck while he’s out there is impossible.

I moved from Michigan pretty recently, so I had to bite the bullet for shipping... but SO worth it.

Ugh, I’m so sorry.  I make terrible choices in friends, so this is exactly the type of thing I would expect friends to do to me. Some people are  just ungrateful. 

But where does one FIND a local weed guy/gal?  I’m all in for helping invest in THEIR stock portfolio at this point.

I... you... what?

They’re bad news because they allowed this woman to find out that she’d been lied to and violated by the doctor?

Starred for Bronner’s.  Mmm.. and Frankenmuth chicken dinners!

Not to make it all about me, but... I’m gonna make it all about me.

This begs the question, does every new president get a new mattress?  I’m sure that the base furniture doesn’t change unless requested, but you couldn’t pay me to sleep in a bed Trump has slept in, even if it was fumigated.  And imagine the huge dent from the springs being compressed on one side.

How do people know how to get pot?  I don’t even know anyone to ask.  And I moved from a state that legalized it RIGHT AFTER I moved away.  Now I’m in NJ, stressed out of my flipping mind, and had to give up drinking after this year burned an ulcer into my stomach.  And I know no one who’d know a guy who could help me

So without further ado, these facial expressions are:

In Southeastern Michigan, they call Taylor “Taylortucky” for a reason.