Adele Quested

I agree that the story will most likely come to the "incest is bad" conclusion. They're pushing the "Jon wants to bone his aunt" angle for the drama, to make his eventual noble renunciation even more noble.

Myrcella too.

She's not complicit in the death, but in the cover-up, and you can always argue she's just bidding her time. She was totally at the mercy of Littlefinger at that time. People will probably forgive her for a bit of strategical thinking here, especially if she ends up responsible for bringing LF to justice.All's well

Well, one main theme of this story is problematizing this notion of "rightful".

Yeah, Dany and Jon are probably not going to be endgame, for so many reasons. One, at least one of them might very well nobly sacrifice themselves in the final battle; two, Jon would have issues with the incest; three, even if they get a happy ending, it's unlikely to be in the same location - can you imagine someone

I meant in the books as vaguely outlined, not necessarily as ever written/published. I should have used the conjunctive ("In the books, Euron would…" instead of "in the books, Euron will…").

If I remember the exposition in the books correctly. High Garden used to belong to the Gardener Kings, before the Tyrells took over. It still carries all the prestige from the times when the Reach was its own kingdom.

I've been waiting for the appearance of a kraken since it's been listed alongside dragons, and the Giant of Bravoos, etc. among the potential marvels fo the world in an Arya chapter in the first book. That said, I'm not holding my breath for grumpkins and snarks, so the value of that particular sort of forshadowing

To dispose of, certainly. But he himself might be needed at Court. I think Dickon's got hopes for being castellan at least.

I meant Spear Snake, sorry for the sloppiness in nomenclature.

I agree, old Tarly's toast. But there might be hope for Dickon. I think Sam might put in a good word for him with the new regime (where I assume Sam would take on the role of Court Maester).

Show-Watchers also tend to underestimate Euron. Lots of people seem to think he'll be toast by mid-season. In the books he's also very extra, but much more of an eldritch horror, so failing to kill him would probably seem less like mere incompetence.

I wouldn't put it past Bran to accept that event as a necessary part of his destiny to become the new three-eyed raven - the trauma seems to have triggered the opening of his third eye - and see Jaime as an instrument of fate.

I think the clues are already laid out. Stabby Snake seemed to get some good stabs in on that boat, and there's no reason to assume she forgot to poison her weapon just this time.

He was talking about killing.

Yep, I think a ot of the House cleaning that is happening right now will happen in the context of a certain dance in the books (and Martells and Tyrells are probably not going to be on the same side then, although they're both going to lose out in the process, to bring us to the point where we currently are in the

Praying to the Seven is also what seems to save Davos after going overboard at the Battle of the Blackwater. It's a bit more ambiguous than coming back from getting stabbed, but his survival here _was_ fairly miraculous, as far as I remember. And he does have a vision of - I want to say, the maiden? The mother? I'm

No, Bronn is probably not going to get Highgarden, because Jaime more or less promised it to Tarly, which makes a lot more sense politically, the Tarlys already being a prominent and well connected family in the region and pretty much next in line for the position of Warden of the South. Stepping over them to reward

My condolences. Everything I've heard about that book sounds completely awful.

Apology accepted.