Adele Quested

Must be nice.

So this guy is a voyeur - does this mean it's likely that he will eventually assault a woman in the street and drag her into bushes? Not terribly, you're right. She might carry pepper spray or scream and cause a scene and most people are just to risk averse for that kind of that thing. Also, _everyone_ would call

Yeah, I'm also surprised that poison so far hasn't factored at all in the Sandsnakes' worst case strategy (you would think their weapons are poisoned out of principle for instance, so that Euron should be dead by now due to the wounds inflicted by stabby Snake. Or that Ellaria would use poison as an exit strategy to

1) Cersei makes a point of how Tyene's death won't go down too quickly.
2) To administer the kiss of death, she has to put the poison on her own lips - for a moment the camera lingers on the blue vial with the antidote she takes afterwards.
3) Bronn is still in the game, as we are reminded this episode with a quick

It was also a pretty shitty way to repay the huge favour Jaime just did Tyrion, which probably pissed him off the most.

Good point, I forgot that.

You say efficient, I say perfunctory.

I'm not sure how Dany factors into it?

Yeah, I think the final message of this story will point towards all legitimacy based on bloodlines being bogus anyway, but Dany definitely still has some dark night of the soul ahead of her in that regard, because for now, she certainly hasn't gotten the memo.

Littlefinger is probably the character that suffered most from the general dumbing-down of everyone that happened on the show, because his smarts were all he had. And indirectly, Sansa's storyline suffers too, because now it won't be particularly impressive, when she takes him down.

That's why Sam would be so perfect! He'll soon have all of the expertise and none of the anti-dragon bias.

The problem is when "the good reason for it" is nothing but narrative convenience.

Olenna's final speech was appropriately badass, but she certainly did Jaime a huge favour by confessing it was her who killed Joffrey rather than Tyrion. Theoretically that could lead to a great Lannister family reconciliation.

Yeah, I'm as close to my dad now as I couldn't stand him as a teen (and even when I couldn't stand him, I knew that this was how it would shake out). I used to think he was the funniest man in the world when I was a kid, then I found all his jokes super-mortifying for a while, now I think he's the funniest man again.

A bit of distancing is not complete withdrawal.

Do the Northerners know Mel's at Dragonstone?

I think the alternative reading was brought up to heighten the ambiguity.

I don't see much of a problem though. Most kids that age start to distance themselves from parental figures and turn towards peers, and that's widely considered healthy, even if some of those peers might be a "bad influence" - how can you learn to identify bad influences and distance yourself from them if you never

Maybe (since Sand snake saving would certainly damage the relationship with Jaime anyway).

My hope: Euron is about to, but Yara can escape in time, with the help of Bronn, who's here to rescue his true love, the bad pusseh Sandsnake.