Adele Quested

And also, amen to the waste of Cristin Milioti, that was extra infuriating.

I watched neither Lost nor HIMYM religiously, so maybe I haven't much basis for an opinion, but I was also fairly content with the Lost ending and rather furious about the HIMYM ending.

I guess there's some fear that once we get rid of Trump, the sheer relief of it will send people back to their a-political beauty sleep. But

I don't see a great point in demonizing. Just makes it all seem more glamorous than it its. Banality of evil, etc. But please don't take my "average" for some sort of exculpation. Clearly, "average" is not enough, especially for that level of power.

I think it's a bit of a myth that Pence is more dangerously efficient, just because he's got a minimum of impulse control and knows how to just shut up once in a while.

Loss aversion fueled denial. There's no way in hell this is going to turn out well for anyone (except for Putin, maybe?). Even ordinarily risk averse people tend to get reckless when there's much to lose. Sure, a reasonable person could still do damage control and cut their losses, but that would require acknowledging

Hardest to pull off. But when it works, …

Ah, I was kinda rooting for this. Probably not going to watch it in the foreseeable future (I'm even behind on my must-see-shows nowadays), but I've always liked Benvolio, and I have a bit of a soft spot for the fake-relationship-to-real-relationship trope.

If Hillary's such a ruthless killer, how do they explain the continued existence of Anthony Weiner?

That would be way more useful than the juicero idea. All the health nuts I know are already obsessed with that kind of detail. Apparently the gatrointestinal tract is a key player when it comes to health and there's a great benefit in monitoring its optimal operation.

It's a great pity that I generally think the concept of *virtue signaling* is such an inane criticism, because in moments like this….

Worked for me.

But a much lesser sin than everything else on display in this show.

It's such a good choice, I kinda hate myself that I didn't think of it immediately.

But I meant that the using the forgetful goldfish stereotype was lazy of me! I may be susceptible to unvetted pop trivia, but I never meant to impugn the work ethic of goldfish!

I knew someone would get me on the lazy goldfish stereotype! I have some dim awareness that this thing about goldfishes and their memories might be a bit of a popular misconception. Should have added"like a particularly forgetful" goldfish, for the sake of accuracy.

Or Saddam and his poetry. Or Kim and his … whole thing.

For what it's worth actual fearsome dictators/strong-men have also often been pathetic, stupid, incomeptent, impotent, ugly, not funny, not charming, bloviating shitbags, historically, so he's not necessarily exceptional here.

I imagine that there are many cases where the base understands Trump's lying but they don't mind, because the lies are supposed to deceive other people, not them. (Eg. "I fired Comey because he was unfair to Hilary!")

Whereas I would like to see democracy, human rights and nature conserved.