Adele Quested

For now it seems to be tied between

My dad, like his dad before him, is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. Party member since the earliest possible joining age. Goes to church every Sunday, has a lot of war stories about frustrating and ultimately pointless battles with the social democrats, who were in power during his most active political phase and

But don't you see? - It's us who are hypocritical! First we complained about having to live with a useful idiot in such a responsible position, and now that Trump's getting rid of him, we're complaining too!

But don't you see? - It's us who are hypocritical! First we complained about having to live with a useful idiot in such a responsible position, and now that Trump's getting rid of him, we're complaining too!

Nitpicking, but i really have to object to the term "skulduggery" in connection with the Lady of Avalon here, in the overall context of this kind of story. She's doing nothing anyone else isn't doing either. If someone kills a person you owe loyality to, you then try to kill the killer/or get them killed by calling in

You and I have been reading different news, it seems.

Yeah, liberals can be facile about religion, I have to give you that. As someone who still goes to church every other week (mostly to not make Mum sad, admittedly), I do sometimes bristle at the suggestion that faith is the only obstacle to peace and enlightenment.

I read quite a bit of Christine Nöstlinger in my early teens - my memory is hazy, but I feel she delt with these things fairly realistically. The Gretchen Sackmaier novels were my favs. The boy you were pining for wasn't always the best fit, and the fairly decent guy you eventually got together with might turn out not

Eh, I don't think that's how it works either. And it really doesn't have to. Because being a decent, interesting, well-rounded person is worthile in itself, whether it's romantically rewardet or not.

Oh, I love mentor/mentee relationships! Don and Peggy, Jack and Liz, Leslie and Ron - I live for that dynamic!

Some guys have to be the villains so that some guys can play the heroes. I can't shake the suspicion that even some of the good guys rather like it that way. They often prefer a scenario that calls for heroics to one that reduces incentives for villainy. Of course that's not how one gets rid of patriarchy.

Are you sure FB's friends intentions towards you are romantic? Maybe she'd be content enough with keeping it friendly only and your lack of attraction is no issue.

It does spoil the Schadenfreude aspect a little, but since that's now the main appeal of the product, I take solace in the fact that the brand is ruined, and this, sooner or later will affect the bottom line. Ordinary juice any pleb can squeeze with their ordinary hands is way too common to be sustainably marketed at

I never thought I could be a hacker. I'm feeling inspired!

well philipp the spy i s needy (for intelligence). She's just picking up on the fact that he wants more from her than she's currently providing, although she's of course mistaken as to the nature of what exactly he wants.

He might also be relieved that Elizabeth doesn't always manage to keep feelings out of it either. An Elizabeth who does sometimes develop feelings for her marks might be easier to persuade to finally ditch the KGB than one who knows nothing but the cause. Every crack in lizzie's facade is a glimmer of hope for Philip.

(okay, someone else made that point)

Gotta be cruel to be kind.

Not having seen the movie and just having read the synopsis, I might argue that something like this might plausibly happen due the the hothouse atmosphere of repression and a lack of healthy outlets for natural urges in that kind of place at that kind of time, not due to something intrinsicially deranged in the nature

I mean, you do have a point - fear is the mindkiller, and it's tempting to be all "those grapes are too sour for me anyway" when they're merely hanging too high. So it's probably a good attitude to be suspicious about one's preferences, whenever fear is involved.