Adele Quested

I remember reading that one! He pretends to be blind, so the nuns feel free to really let loose. There isn't much of a plot, but that's hardly the point of that kind of thing, isn't it?

Depends on her reactions. I mean, you can't look into anyone's mind, so you have to give yourself some margin of error here, but generally you should make some effort to determine whether the other person is in a chatty mood, before launching yourself into that kind of interaction.

I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to be fine with being single without thinking that anyone would be crazy not to want to date you. Saying otherwise to me seems to me like basing way too much self-worth on your desirability to others.

True, that business about the bribes has been mostly busywork so a far - but I could easily see it lead somewhere substantial. Ultimately Oleg's new bosses are after Oleg's dad and Co. - surely that has to signify something about changing political fortunes within the party. If I were CIA I'd find plenty of interest

I got my brother to watch the first couple of season, but he's behind now, and I can't even fault him - it's an intense show and you kinda need to be in certain headspeace to enjoy it.

I'm not sure bringing Paige to Gabriel necessarily entrenches them further into the cause. Becaise it happens at the exact moment, when Gabriel himself retires from it. To me it felt like them wanting Gabriel to see his "granddaughter" before he leaves. It retroactiely makes their commitment to him seem more personal

sure. but it's also pretty clear that Liz couldn't keep doing this job, if she didn't stoically repress everything. Who cares that this is not good for her personal happiness? Certainly not Liz.

I was worried too. I've never seen Oleg as beaten down as in this episode. And the look he gave his mom before walking up that roof…

yes. they see Gabriel as a father - finally bringing Paige to meet him cemented that. Gabriel doesn't just release them by leaving, he explicitely warns Philipp about the center. Sending philipp's son back and lying about it was the limit for Gabriel. Or maybe he's just running away from a conflict of loyality.

I have no doubts any more that Elizabeth will pick Philip. But she might end up killing him anyway.

This is the episode that also had a shout-out to Lotus, after all. Whole new world of opportunities for people with a head for numbers and patterns.

He can get his own dates.

What was the subject taught by the teacher Henry has a crush on? Maybe he's just trying to impress her?

That woman was probably beyond thrilled that her "Wanna see some print-outs"-move finally worked. I mean she doesn't show it, but I imagine it has been a longtime fantasy.

It's worth a try!

This argument would hold so much more water, if I'd ever seen a men's right activits actually help a fellow man.

I think there can be a happy medium between forgiving and nursing a grudge.

What I got from that scene was a mix of giddiness and shyness - the exuberant kiss, followed by furtive glances - (Did we really just do that? Did he/she like it too?) - followed by quiet satisifaction (Yep, he/she smiled; this is happening.) There's an element of calming down in this, but I didn't read it as

Adam's value as a reward lies in being able to take him away from Hannah. It's not the the possession of Adam that provides satisfication, but what the possession of Adam signifies: superiority over Hannah.

Unfortunately, if you look at the statistics "serial abuser" and "garden variety" is not a contradiction. Way too many guys like that around.