Adele Quested

Yes, I absolutely buy how the three couldn't prevent Perry from getting his kicks in in spite of all their best efforts to protect Celeste. They were mostly in shielding mode, trying to get between them, trying to pull him away. Unfortunately, shielding does very little. He just brushes you off, he pushes you away.

That poster was so obnoxious about it, posting the comment at numerous points in the thread, I made peace with the fact that it had to be a real spoiler. Clearly, that kind of person lives to be a jerk. Congratulations, mission accomplished. Let's not begrudge him that joy; other life goals are probably out of reach.

I was wondering about that - in the show too, there were hints that Jane's pretexte for moving to Monterey was fishy (the way she rattles of a list of stock phrases "the good schools, etc." when asked); Ziggy clearly didn't buy it, and I got the sense we viewers weren't supposed to either.

Jane's date, the coffeeshop guy and that other guy (Gordon, Renata's husband) had a confrontation earlier, when coffeeshop guy threw Gordon out for threatening Jane. At the party, coffeeshop guy wanted to make peace, and greeted Gordon. Gordon clearly rejected the peace offering.

Ask the other commenters who think "ugh, that's the kind of stuff my mom would like" is a valid point.

And all I did was answer that question. I'm talking about the tenor of the comment section, not necessarily about you.

I don't know you from Adam, so for all I know your pleasure in your ignorance and lack of curiosity may be just that. (That kinda still leaves the question why you think it's something worth mentioning - can't you enjoy your ignorance in the peace of your mind? What's the potential use of sharing this with us? In

= smugly basking in one's cluelessness.

What a dull question.

There's having no clue, and there's smugly basking in one's cluelessness.

My money is on him being a whizz kid and the teacher wanting to discuss gifted programmes.

Because she won't be able to get much out of him if she's just an one-night-stand. She has to make him invest more before that happens, to have him really on the hook.

To get her absolution for betraying his country.

The show sounds promising. The prospective comment section in case it should get reviewed here however, not so much.

From what I've observed, the blow to the ego is always the same.

Honestly, I really wouldn't want to know either. Not the details at least. She's realized her mistake and admits as much. What benefit could there be in dwelling on the nitty gritty?

Because she doesn't want Renata to win.
Because her kid really likes Ziggy.
Because she's got a strong sense of justice.
Because she desperately needs a cause to distract herself from her own mess.
Because she enjoys Jane's company.

I think Ed knows, and he doesn't want her to admit it. She was on the verge of doing so ("I've made a mistake") and he stopped her.

I'm living for that scene of the sycophantic mom getting burned by Jane and Renata saying "Touché". Most satisfying moment on TV in a long time.

Trump couldn't care less about the effects of that bill on his voters. When he went to sell the bill to congress-critters and they wanted to talk about its content, he said "Let's forget about the little shit".