Adele Quested

I loved taking long solitary walks at night when I was in college. I would have been working till 3 or 4 am, due to some deadline or another, and there would be no thought of sleep, brain still reeling from the exercise. No better way to clear the mind than stepping outside for a bit. I would haunt the campus and

It think that it's fairly true to leave that some lessons have to be repeated before they stick.

Is Jessa the worst?

Characteres who really stuck with me:

My desire for poetic justice says yes, but my pragmatism tells me it's not worth the mind-numbing futility of debating another crop of diehard-Bernie-Bro-types who will never get over "but the Clintons are a dynasty"-thing.

Fingers crossed!

You could hardly call her paranoid, after all. Ray loved Shosh first, and it wasn't exactly his idea to end things. Everyone else probably still thinks Shosh is the better fit and might be low-key rooting for them to get back together. (I think the general comment section sentiment on the matter is a fair reflection

I don't think Marnie's bored, I think she's jealous of Shosh's easy rapport with her boyfriend and feels insecure. I mean, she can't banter with Ray about Krugman, can she?

Gently, but firmly: No. Better get dumped by the bald naked faceless woman with no gentials who dances in an uninhibited manner than settle for the bald faceless woman with not genitials who dances awkwardly because you trust she can't do any better.

The more interestings ones usually do have some understanding that every story they write is in a dialogue with all the stories that came before and care quite a bit about what they specifically add to the conversation.

There are so many ways to meet each other half-way in these things.

It's impossible to determine what anybody actually really thinks. Nobody can do that. You can make educated guesses, and I've found it's rarely a mistake to just take people at their word - might not be accurate, but then that's on them - but you can't look into anyone's head.

I think it's less a question of not liking shy, introverted guys per se, and more one of not liking the risk of misreading shy, introverted guys. Most women are going to be just as embarrased about the possibility of misreading the signs and coming across as pushy/needy/delusional as you are.

I think Myths Retold also really captures the spririt of such affairs - the breathless excitment, the sense of awe, the rampaging ids.

… and lacking the self-awareness to realize that he was roping another person into a diversionary manoevure instead of actually dealing with his own issues.

Josh's going to deserve at least some of what's coming for ruining Rebecca's moment of clarity in therapy by dragging her back into his own issues and I have no sympathy for him feeling rushed, when he started rushing things in the first place.

Anyone? Maya and her dad mail each other Westworld theories every Monday!

The three faces of Adam.

In another place I like to hang out online they just had the topic "my wrongest comment". Lots of heaping of ashes on heads and people taking solace in the fact that at least the worst of it isn't archived somewhere, because they weren't online so much as teens.

Please be patient with yourself.