Adele Quested

At some point you will get your shit together and you will be a good partner again. But it might take some time, and there might be a few more setbacks and it might be a kindness to not keep her waiting for that.

It encourages some, and it discourages more. You'll always have your true believers, but they can only win if they can win over the cowards and opportunists. Let's make it less opportunate.

I'm not gung-ho either.

Some things are worth going to prison for.

Probably won't shut up that particular guy immediately. But it made him cry on camera, look weak, and might discourage others. He himself seems to think so. I've seen interviews with him afterwards, his first reaction was worrying about the memes that will come from this. The Nazi in question at least seems to see

I agree that punching someone is never funny or clever.

If you still think that you can win an argument with Godwin's law in times when the white supremacists got their fave elected to the highest office, there's really nothing I can do here.

[too personal, and wasted anyway]


I have understood that _you_ think it's self-deprecating, let's leave it at that.

My point is that the context wasn't all that similiar, if you really look at it. The birther thing has always been completely baseless - the whole "alternative facts"-business? Not so much.

Of course there's a difference between charming and self-depricating. In fact that was exactly my point. That little twitter joke might haven been "charming" (in the same way Austrian Nazis could totally be quite "charming"), but it wasn't actually self-depricating.

Negative connotations? Ya think?

Oh, he gets that there's supposed to be a joke somewhere - I didn't doubt that.

"Ain't I a stinker" *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* isn't self-depriciation.

The thing is, Nazis don't start with the ovens. And as long as we don't see the ovens, some people will always prefer to think the warners are just being petty. (Spoiler Alert: Even once we've seen the ovens, some people will gladly stick with "petty". I am from Austria. Ask me how I know.)

Personally, I think he was just really flattered by the pocket-square appreciation and took the bait.

This aw-shucks-"Just kidding"-attitude is the cancer that made Trump possible in the first place. To see anything less evil in that is a tragic mistake.

Absolutely, Trump should only be referred to as Bannon's puppet from now on. I don't think it's going to accomplish much, strategically, because vain as Trump may be, he also seems lost and scared, and probably can't do without that safety blanket. But he's going to hate it, and I'm spiteful.

I used to reread that book at least once a year when I was a kid. That chapter about the ski accident was always one of my favourites. It starts out pretty low-key, since Ronja doesn't get hurt too badly and the goblins seem harmless enough, quite well meaning even. But I still remember the mounting sense of dread, as