Adele Quested

That's my theory as well. This is just another test, probably to sort out the righteous from the merely self-righteous, and the mistake with Eleanor has been made on purpose, to see how the other supposedly good people will handle it.

I really feel for her. You can already see that being paired with the monk is going to do a number on her. She has a real longing to connect with him, but it's just not happening.

Maybe she took you for a Drew and wanted to be your Lana? My sympathies.

Gotta spend money to make money.

Also Earn waking up to the sight of the gun.

For what it's worth, I did hear that story about Genghis Khan regularly killing the male population of conquered cities above a certain height before, so it's not a Darius invention. Whether that necessarily makes it any more credible though…

I'm not a music manager, but I imagine hanging out and smoking weed might be a more integral part of that business than you seem to think. Because it's about networking and knowing your scene. And that's going to involve a lot of hanging out and smoking weed, depending on the scene. (With traditional folk music in my

Someone struggling to provide for their children probably shouldn't follow their dream about making it big in rap either, but then we wouldn't have a show.

The point is, that right now he's not trying to find the sort of meaningful employment that requires you to pass a drug test; right now he's trying to follow his dream of making it in the rap business, where most of his job will consist of networking, in a scene where weed is an important social lubricant.

For the record: I would be totally fine with there never being any villain but poverty, ennui and torpor in this.

I see no reason whatsoever why they wouldn't. It's completely on-brand, and can't be more expensive than the dragons and the direwolves, special-effect wise.

I truly doubt that Jon's death seemed particularly final to most people, with or without LS. (We already had Berric Dondarion to know that Red Priests can resurrect people).

Side-plot was kinda the wrong term, I guess. The storytelling may be linear, but parsimonious? Maybe in the polished version that made it into the 19th century fairy tale collection.

If Sansa figures out her priorities, that's probably a bad prognosis for Littlefinger.

It _is_ kinda memorable though. (Seriously, those puppy goblins are going to haunt you into your nightmares.)

As I said, I kinda like the revelation, because it adds more potential for interpersonal drama (he knew, she didn't, he didn't tell her for a while), but I agree it wouldn't be necessary to advertise the film. It's not that the movie would be without tension without that. Generally speaking, less is more with

That spoiler would definitely make the story more interesting to me. That should throw a spanner in the romance for sure.

Well, he's a mechanic, she's a writer. Maybe she's the wealthy tourist, and he's part of the maintenance crew. Class tensions!

For what it's worth, I think sci-fi drama is way more forgiving of mediocre acting than your average rom-com. Most sci-fi-fans are in it for the high concept, the big idea. As long as the worldbuilding is plausible and innovative, the characters don't necessarily have to be. With rom-coms though, if you can't make the

Because he's always behind the bar and people are usually not going to see the legs anway.