Adele Quested

Do you really find it surprising though? Sounds like a pretty natural third act development to me. If it really was just an accident, and they just live out their years peacefully together, fixing the occasional malfunction, until they die of old age well before they reach their destination, there's not much of a

He's got to make at least a show of effort once in a while to keep his sugar-mammy. That's not a beating, that's an investment.

Dude, that's basically the consensus at this point. The majority of people have no taste. I think that Martin was trying to do something quite a bit more interesting than the show, but since he stopped doing it, the show wins by default. Never let the good be the enemy of the serviceable, I guess.

Yes. I've just reported you to the thought police. A black van will come to collect you. Prepare for some clockwork orange style aversion therapy, philestine!

Honestly, I've lost count of the times when I was like "Surely, they have to be joking. No one in their right mind would - " - nope, they're serious. Trust me, I get where you're coming from.

Relax. The joke was supposed to be that the other guy didn't catch the typo, and that the thing I agree with is that Clinton indeed _d_ominated Trump, and not that the democrats _n_ominated someone unfit to rule. (I think the other guy got it. His ha ha seems fairly sarcastic).

I have to say, I agree. Democrat Clinton has certainly been dominating horrifying unfit for public service Trump in the polls so far. But I almost suspect it's a typo on part of the original poster and should actually read "nominate".

Yeah, good point about the cultural difference. Or maybe it's just those specific social circles, but there's definitely a difference in the general attitudes towards lack of impulse control.

I'm probably also doing that just now by merely replying, but I don't mind. Let's let him have that. I could imagine he doesn't have much joys in his life.

The stakes seem a lot higher, because Fleabag is less protected by a convenient lack of self-awareness and therefore much more capable of being crushed by guilt.

It's such a vicious dynamic. Men get shit for being vulnerable. They learn that showing vulnerability is the worst thing in the world. When they can't help it any more, they often end up deeply resenting any witnesses, no matter how they react, simply for knowing the truth.

I just think that it's unfortunate that they had a child, when he is still in the finding himself phase of his life and unable to prioritize the needs of someone else, which is often necessary when raising a child. He's clearly not currently able to do that to the same degree she's doing it.

I say this without value judgement. I wouldn't be ready to have a child either. Does he seem ready to be a father to you?

Might just be timing. The main bummer about them having a kid seems to be him not being ready for it yet.

I read it less as her playing along with the waitress and more as her refusing to play along with him.

I think squares tend to look for squares, because other squares are often the only ones who understand how impossible it is for a square to go through a round hole. With everyone else you run the risk of them saying "Have you tried being round?". It wears people down. After a while, you can't take that any more.

Also, he has the most beautiful eyes.

Small price to pay for getting bailed out and living rent-free. It's not his wallet, but his ego that takes the beating here. She's calling him on his bluff.

I should clarify - those thoughts only apply when people actually use this strategy to _end_ the conversation and then switch to another topic entirely. When they seem to think it's a productive contribution inviting further discourse, that's just depressing.

Can one trust without love? - Oh, absolutely (speaking for myself at least). I'm a pragmatic person - my trust is mostly a function of reliability. People with the worst principles might still be trusted to stick to them. Of course that's a trust with limitations, but my trust is always contigent anyway. There are