Adele Quested

It was a derail, contributing nothing to the debate. Sometimes people are sick of having their identity always up for debate. Don't they deserve some empathy too?

There is a sufficiently descriptive word for this group of people - it's *tired*. Perfectly legit thing to be, if you ask me. In my experience it's not necessarily correlated with youth. I don't see much reason to assume that Cerusee is particularly young for instance. I've also reacted with some hostility, and I'm

Are you hetero? Have you ever tried it with someone of the same gender?

You could do a bit more reading on your own time before you jump into a discussion which such half-baked ideas. The concerns you raise have been addressed often enough already. Homosexuality doesn't directly result in reproduction and isn't a disorder either. You could just read up on that debate. We've been there,

I have a lot more patience for teenagers since I'm no longer one of them.

It was the first Simpson episode I ever saw, and I wouldn't see more of them for a while because I had stumbled upon a special and wasn't in the habit of watching evening cartoons for a while yet. I was immediately hit by the social tristesse of it. Rather disturbed and almost turned off by it at first. Just like with

Charlotte Bronté too, for all the shit she gets for her Byronic heroes. But even Rochester essentially has to redeem himself, by risking his own life in an attempt to save - not Jane, but his unloved wife, getting blinded in the process. Not that he didn't try the more convenient way first. But Jane had none of it,

But she won't reach most of the people that need this with this approach, so it's still a problem. As I already answered to a commenter below with the same bright idea - non-white kids deserve representation in their escapist summer blockbusters too.

You're assuming she hasn't? We don't know how many of her pitches were already rejected.

Things like that are also important, but not what she's talking about. I'm also thinking about the kind of funding that allows for a marketing campaign that allows for reaching a wider audience. Representation shouldn't just be for cineasts. Everyone deserves their escapist summer blockbusters too.

Oh, he's going to fail eventually, but he's still going to get one of the dragons first. Keep things up in the air for a bit.

Pretty sure he will get at least one of the dragons. He's got magic.

She argues that people should be less concerned about maximizing profits. Still, you can't be generous about swallowing some losses on a project, if you can never put together the funds to start the project in the first place. I don't see the contradiction here.

The self-congratulation wouldn't lie in "Look how brave I am!" but rather in "Wouldn't it be absurd if anyone believed I'm actually a racist?".

Do you think she could pay it out-of-pocket? Do you think she would get the funding?

I watched it with my romance loving flatmate at the time: it's very pretty to look at - except for the absolutely bizzare and narratively completely pointless puppy-goblin comic relief pets of the Beast - and it's got a fairly convoluted backstory for the beast (way, way, way more complicated than "pissed of a witch

This wasn't made with me in mind, and yet I've rarely felt so personally catered to. I loved the slow pace, and the quiet moments, and the longing gazes and the lack of all the usual hetero-romance tropes.

I'm a hardcore Richie/Patrick shipper, but I really felt for Brady too. Poor sod never stood a chance.

Those worth working with will get over it. (And lots apparently already did, as the polls show). It's called triage. If this can be a way to filter out the lost causes before wasting limited energies, it may have some benefits.

Multicausality means that it can be more than one thing - and one of those things are Nader voters. They could have done something do prevent this, and they didn't. Most I've met so far regret it. The fact that others are to blame as well is apparently cold comfort to them.