Adele Quested

Of course "Give me my way or I'll burn it all down" is always going to be an easier sell, but sometimes "the easiest sell" shouldn't be the deciding factor.

Every heard of multicausality?

For the sane part of the Sanders camp, including Sanders himself, it apparently does. According to the polls, 90% of consistent Sanders voters plan to support Clinton now.

Maybe not a "total" Nazi, but close enough to be not worth the risk. The rest of the debate is academical.

A badge of honor with that particular crowd, apparently. They also booed pastors asking for social justice, LGBT people for talking about
their lives, and PoC speaking to them about policies they agree with. I'd feel flattered.

Bind Hilary to the stake, so that they can pelt her with rotten fruit, Trump's guaranteed to win, and they can tell all the survivors how it wouldn't haven happened with their guy.

My impression is that most Sanders supporters will vote for Hillary now and that the chanters are a vocal minority among them. At least all the Sanders supporters I talked to gave me shit for even remotedly associating them with the chanters.

Sanders himself seems optimistic about having been listened to.

Maybe. You can disagree with the issue she had with the song, but I still think it's useful to identify the actual issue she had with the song before.

I think she's not so much criticizing indifference, but rather unproductive self-pity.

Until people give up on you and resign themselves to your fate. I've reached that point with at least half of my social circle and I'm reasonably confident that other half will follow eventually.

Solitary. But it does sound a bit like "recluse".

My standard reply when mum complains how she's so terribly embarrased about my brother and me when the topic of kids comes up, because we turned out so disappointing compared to other people's kids: "That's sad for you, but not my problem." And if she doesn't change the topic, I hang up/leave the room.

With a bit of Walder Frey mixed in. Euron Greyjoy is also appropriately misogynistic, but still too young and virile for that particular dirty old man vibe.

Good point in theory, but if I remember correctly, Lyanna was worrying about Robert specifically.

Honestly, I also think it will be revealed as a romance eventually. But that's entirely from a Doylist rather than a Watsonian perspective, because G.R.R.M is more sentimental than people give him credit for. Until explicit confirmation comes, I'm going to be a stickler about this, out of principle. I'm

Yep, that's why most people believe that Jon is Rhaegar's. My question "why would Robert kill his own child" was a rhetorical one, to demonstrate that the theory that _Robert_ is Jon's father makes no sense.

Very, very tenuous support. Chivalrous Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent also stood by when Aerys raped his wife, so that's really counts for nothing in that particular matter. (Actually epxlicitely one of the reasons why Jaime eventually dropped his ambitions towards chivalry. Seems to be almost a bit of theme here).

I'm not convinced one way or the other. Just pointing out there's no way of knowing yet.

In the books, yes. Lots of textual evidence. (Cersei gives him a disappointing lady in waiting to experiment on; he also did a lot of torturing while with the Bloody Mummers). In the show they probably haven't highlighted it so far.