Adele Quested

it's a possibility, but hardly a particularly "happy" one. 18 is still pretty young to lose both of your parents at once. There's no truly happy ending scenario in this show.

Why one earth would Cersei call it off then? UnGregor against traumatized Loras should look like a sure win to her. The only reason for her to call it off might be as a favour to Marg, which would unite rather than divide them, and is therefore fairly unlikely.

That's assuming the High Sparrow wants Cersei to lose. But right now, that would only cause unnecessary trouble. Right now, Tommen's putty in the High Sparrow's hands. But how pliable will he be after he had to watch his beloved mother executed for high treason? There may come a time when Tommen could be turned

Only to immediately hand it to the next brutal monster? Why would Sansa assume that Littlefinger's any better than Ramsay after he sold her out like that? He did it once, he might well do it again.

Fat chance. Littelfinger's a schemer, not a leader of men.

Brienne's not going to stay with Jon and Davos; Sansa sent her to the Riverlands to check on the Blackfish.

Alternatively, he's impressed and finally gives her an important assignment. Maybe all those "who are you?"-"no-one" exercises were not about learning to be no one, but about learning to lie convincingly.

Marg is sitting pretty, because she made nice with the fundies so she could get Loras out of that cell. The High Sparrow is surely smart enough to see that Marg could be a super-valueable asset if used wisely, and he might find it wise to accomodate her to some degree. But he can't just let Loras off the hook now,

Tormund's crush on Brienne is very cute, and the one inspired idea the showrunners had on their own so far (okay, the Tywin/Arya combo was also pretty good), but I'd prepare for disappointment.

Being a perfect pawn too useful too sacrifce is not the worst strategy in the game of thrones. Tommen is safe from anyone who has any hope of controlling him, which includes Cersei, the High Sparrow, and the Tyrells.

Maybe after she's given orders to burn down King's Landing, locking herself and Tommen up in the Throne room, to save him from a more painful death? The exact wording of the propehcy is "and when your tears have drowned you" - might refer to Tears of Lys, Cersei's poison of choice. But that's not a pretty death

Sounds pretty plausible to me too. High Sparrow probably can't keep Loras rotting in that cell now that Marg's agreed to be on his team. She'll use every opportunity to advocate for Loras and Sparrow might find it wise to humour her a bit. But he can't just let Loras off the hook too easily, because then he would lose

I agree that this isn't really possible. Tommen makes a way more manageable puppet than Margary, and the High Sparrow is no idiot. He has nothing to gain from getting Tommen killed.

To think that some people speculated Euron might get Quentyn's storyline! Or Victarion's for that matter. Pretty sure Victarion won't make it back from this trip, pretty sure Euron is here to stay for the final show-down.

That's why OP added the (yet). No one is safe - ultimatley, yes. At any time?- Nah. Sure, G.R.R.M had some gotcha-moments, by using red-hering protagonists, who were unceremoniously killed off before they could finish their character arcs, and he could pull that off a couple of times, because he has just _so_many_

How? Wouldn't minimize the culture clash. The older you are, the harder it's going to be to adapt. Or do you mean she might decide to just stay in America on her own and maybe never see her family again? Also kinda traumatic, if you ask me. (Sure she could become Henry's guardian, I guess, and stay in the States with

Extremly unlikely. I can't imagine the Sparrow would be stupid enough to let that happen. Tommen's his puppet now, far more useful alive than dead.

Sandor will be back, that much I'd say as well, but the whole Clegane-Bowl idea is profoundly childish, and I'm fairly confident G.R.R.M has something more interesting in store for that character.

I think my grandma had a bit of a crush on him. I know that's off-topic, but I miss her.

It's the best case scenario and still pretty traumatic for Paige and Henry. They speak no word of Russian, and are already too old to learn it easily. Talk about culture shock.