Adele Quested

Just in case this wasn't a joke - my read was almost the opposite.I think he was following his head/conscience over his heart here. Don't forget, she'd take him with her. If it weren't for his moral quandaries, he'd probably take her up on her offer in a heartbeat. Clearly he's not keen on returning to Russia, and now

Just in case you're still counting: Another vote for thoughtless and desperately unfunny.

Stan knows the illegals operate as a couple.

It warrants both.

I think I can't watch the next episode. I think Don's going to kill himself.

Cersei thinks the Tyrells are dangerous. (She's not wrong. They did kill Joffrey). She's convinced they will try to get rid of her. (Not entirely paranoid either). Even though Tommen would be clearly very sad about Marg's demise, it's very easy for Cersei to tell herself she's merely protecting him against poisonous

They also seem like true believers, and the anti-slavery-stance is a core part of their foundation myth. It's not _ just_ about money for them.

Yeah, the actress's probably going to bite it…. Or maybe Arya finally learns how to successfully lie to the FM? Ah, wishful thinking…..

Varys has become such a sympathetic character in the show, but he's quite a bit more dubious in the books, imho. I think he'll turn against Dany at some point (in the show, probably because he can't stomach the Rhollor endorsement), and it might well be Arya who foils him. She'll be one of his little birds - and he

It would really be a waste of drama if she isn't sent to kill someone we've come to know and like.

And think they're going to piss off Dany and get roasted by her dragons.

You really think she genuinely wants to save Marg?

Cersei's not going to die before Tommen. According to the prophecy at least.

I like Jonah so much more when he's with Richard.

Patience. He might well have been behind some of that shit that went down already. I would bet good money that his eventual hands-off-approach might have been a course correction to previous excessive meddling backfiring.

well, he's no longer stuck in the tree. Also, he could always warg someone to deliver the intell.

My sympathies. I would be more withdrawn too if I felt any pressure to be particularly peppy. Knowing that I can half-ass things occasionally makes me so much more likely to tag along and see if my mood changes after all.

I used to have that problem too but then I realized that there's no need to be so jealously protective of my solitude. Solitude always came to me easily enough. But I live in a culture, where people will generally give you your space and it's widely socially acceptable to be bit a grumpy at times and simply not in

As I said - I kinda hate this obsession with "practical applicability", because I think it promotes this confusion of education = job training (in German we have this very useful distinction between "Bildung" and "Ausbildung", which is gradually getting lost, I'm afraid), but if you want to see education as an avenue

This. I took great pleasure in my liberal arts education, and I do think it improved my critical thinking skills (you shouldn't underestimate the advantages of being able to do a close reading of all kinds of stuff), but let's face it: the most tangible benefits of many degrees are the networking opportunities you had