Adele Quested

I'm not sure callout culture is necessarily limiting freedom of speech (or at least not anymore than complaining about callout culture would be limiting freedom of speech) - but I agree that it often goes off the rails.

I feel like that too, only less tortured about it. I don't need to be in the constant company of someone to appreciate their role in my life, and I really hope that's mostly mutual.

I like to think of myself as progressive, but I really have to struggle with a bit of kneejerk dismissiveness whenever people start talking about the need to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. I mean, I can see the need is there - sure, _I_ was served well enough by the status quo, but clearly, I'm in a

You might just need a break?

I don't ship it either, but there are rudiments of a theme.

Might just be intended to stress the point that the old style - raiding - has always been inefficient. But yeah, show Yara is way more raw-raw than her book counterpart, so I see where you're coming from.

Maybe part of the act is ventriloquism, and the sorcerer's always supposed to say the same thing on such occasions? But yeah, Occam's razor, it's probably true blue magic in this world.

Well, she probably knows her way around rituals for fire magic. You've seen one, you've seen all of them.

If LF had brought a lot of muscle, a private meeting wouldn't have been possible anyway. Moletown isn't that big. Also, that's not his M.O. - show LF is a lot dumber than book LF but even he wouldn't take that kind of risk. Sansa knows him well enough that that's not where the danger is with this one.

Agree, show Littlefinger makes no sense, and book Littlefinger hasn't shown us half of it yet. But he's vain, he can't stop himself from showing off, he underestimates Sansa, and that's going to bring him down. He has no enemies now, because he's still playing for time - he will, once he's played his cards.

And he himself too. Not quite yet - I'm afraid Sansa will be back under his influence for a while; she certainly would still be there in the books and they'll probably bring her back to her original storyline - but that's going to be his own downfall.

Just as a lot of it maps really well on to the War of the Roses, and the Wall is Hadrian's Wall and the Littlefinger Catelyn Sansa story is a bit Wuthering Heights, and Sansa and the Hound is Beauty and the Beast, etc. To spot a couple of influences, dismiss all others, and boil down the whole narrative to a pedantic

Fleets can also be used for trade. That's her platform in the books.

The guys were defeatist. They needed a pep talk. Ramsay needs to be taken down, and Sansa's the only one with any fire left in her at that point.

Tale as old as time…

Oh come on, it's not like she compared Jon to Ramsay in terms of _character_. Context matters. This was a discussion about the question whether people would follow a bastard, and the fact that Ramsay is a bastard whom people follow was a salient point.

If Brienne can't prevent LF from kidnapping her, Jon and Davos can't either.

He's putty in the hands of Euron; he's putty in the hands of Moquorro and he lacks any shred of self awareness, all the while raging impotently at misery half of which he's perfectly responsible for himself (just _ had_ to beat your wife to death because evil Euron spoilt her, did you? cue world's tiniest violins),

I didn't even knew that one! Honestly with that kind of detail, the less convoluted the better. I wouldn't have needed any explanation at all, but I was also fully expecting that this whole warging Hodor thing would lead to some dark place for Bran. The emotional beats worked, and that's what ultimately counts.

Gorne's Way! Wouldn't be surprised if that door took them south of the Wall. Makes no sense geographically, but the show never does.