Adele Quested

Will someone please spoil the ending fo rme? Use Rot13 or something. I've read some version of the leaked script and there was certainly no note of hope in there. Now I like to think Taranino just added it out of spite.

How necessary is any type of art?

As with every other human endeavor. If that's the criterion we might as well pack up and call it a day as a species.

I know this is not based on Moby Dick, but on the actual event Moby Dicks is based on. Still, this seems as good as place as any to voice my wish to the Universe that Tarantino should make an adaption of Benito Cereno. With a different ending, of course. I don't know whether mutiny movies are enough of a genre in

Yes. You asked.

Shipping new zombie Drake and Blaine's right hand man. Just to put it out there. I see some Romeo-and-Juliet style tragedy ahead once Blaine teams up with Liv to go against the Boss and their henchmen get caught in the middle.

I'm not sure I'd call the pagans they stole it from secular, exactly. Just because it wasn't Christianity doesn't mean it wasn't a religion, you know. Sol Invictus has its own claim on the 25th of December and he probably wouldn't be too pleased with you denying the piousness of his whorshippers.

One of my favs, but he hasn't had the best hand with picking projects. Or maybe they just aren't offering the right stuff.

Not much of a loss, really. Lauda's A-level celebrity where I'm from and gets too many opportunities to voice boneheaded opinions about topics that should be nowhere within his range of expertise, but I like him a lot more when he's played by Daniel Brühl! I'm so impressed with Brühl for getting the accent and

Rush was my favourite movie that year, and I couldn't care less about cars and have never been a particular fan of Niki Lauda.

It's perfectly possible to think that Freud had some questionable ideas and still get the impression these guys with guns must be overcompensating. Can be any kind of perceived deficiency. The penis is just a metaphor.

She might not have been entirely serious about that description.

Story-time: when my brother was a teenager, he and his friends used to dress up as Krampus and take to the streets on december 5th to scare the kids as is the custom. (One that I personally find rather obnoxious - people get beaten up quite badly with some regularity; such fun! But how bad it is depends on the region,

Fair enough, but the teacher is still not white. Why should white people have a monopoly on corniness? (Also, if Hamilton is "cool-with-apostrophes", I don't want to be cool-without-apostrophes.)

Really? The trailer for this looked absolutely dire. Besides, this sort of heavy-handed self-referentiality is rarely as much of a saving grace as it's designed to be. (Which is to say, I already didn't like this when it was called "They came together"):

Because I'm pointing out Hollywood's ageism against women?

Maybe, maybe not, irrelevant for my point, which is that actresses in her age range are underrepresented in mainstream media.

The idea is not that it's horrible now, the idea is that will be horrible ten years later, when Bradly Cooper will still be getting paired with a woman in her twenties and there will be no more roles for her.

And keep pairing her with love interests decades older and very likely won't have any roles for her as soon as she's no longer able to feed old guys' delusions that they they might staff off their already apparent decay by fucking personified youth. Can't really blame her for being less shortsighted than you are.

Where did I claim I did? This was a general observation about the nature of addiction/depression.