Adele Quested

Seems to me, the most important thing to get out of that interaction was the ego-boost, and for that, the flirtation is usually sufficient. I bet that the additional satisfaction of actual consummation wouldn't have added all too much (especially when weighed against the costs involved - risk to your marriage, loss of

I'm very lucky that my family has long ago written me off in that regard; that would really annoy me.

Very much feel you on "the pop music only making sense when you're in love"-thing … and then I fall out of love and it's all trite drivel again.

Laughing too loud about a joke that's not all that funny, when the guy's cute. But that's about it. I tend to hold my cards close to the chest in these matters.

There can absolutely be a downside into getting in debates with strangers, if they keep derailing another more important debate with basic 101 stuff, bringing nothing new to the table, forcing you to keep adressing the same points again and again. Effort and attention are limited ressources. Often this energy could

It's often a good strategy, even if the person you're arguing with is a lost cause, because it makes you look better to potential third party observers who are still waffling.

Yeah, I thought that joke was pretty sublime. Like that Simpsons-Sideshow-Bob rake joke, which goes on for so long until it's too long until it's long enough to be funny again.

I've met some obnoxious feminists. I've never met a not-obnoxious MRA. And I'm usually relieved if they turn out to be merely obnoxious. If both groups are equally likely to be bad in your experience, there's no point in continuing this discussion, because we're clearly not sharing the same reality.

If it happens once. If it keeps happening - and in Baldwin's case it keeps happening - it becomes the celebrity's responsibility eventually, because they are obviously not doing that soul-searching you have just agreed was necessary.

Well, the most decent of celibrities can attract a rabid-goon-type of-fan. Such are the random vagaries of fate. So no, of course you can't always blame a public figure for any random fan's action. But once the proportion of goon to non-goon fans among your following has reached a certain critical point, a little bit

Oh, I should hope so!

There are a myriad of better reasons not to dismiss Syrian immigrants. We don't talk about that part of the argument, because that's what reasonable people agree upon in the first place.

Seems like the very definition of a one-trick pony then. Of course people will get riled up if you say something sufficiently stupid. For most of us, that stops being entertaining after Kindergarten.

But see, the beauty of surrounding yourself with an entourage of goons is that you can trust them to do their job without you having to spell it all out.

But they'll still continue being casual assholes to other innocent people and making their life shitter with every asshole thing they say.

I agree that rape is annoying plot device if dealt with superficially, I just don't agree that this is the case here. And since it is an important issue, I don't see why narratives should avoid it at all costs.


Must be so nice if these things only cross your mind once someone else rubs your face into them….. the literal confirmation might be in the sixth episode, but the subtext is there from the start. It's pretty clear from episode one that the theme here is abusive relationships and coercion and if you're going to

You mean, it wasn't in the source material. As I said, lots of comic adapations deviate from the source material. Sometimes that's for the better, sometimes for the worse. Sometimes both versions are good for their own reasons and there's not point in calling one superior. Might well be the case here; I haven't read

Seriously? Man, would I love to live in your world.