Adele Quested

Oh, absolutely; I mean, _I'm_ a woman on the A.C. Club, and I could have brought it up before, but I didn't, because I'm just as tired of these arguments as anyone else. So when I want to vent about what a dick Victor is, I go somewhere where I won't have to justify my outrage against some rule-lawering advocatus

But simple death wouldn't have taken away her dignity. Did you never listen to Clare? He's been whining for two seasons that non-existence would have been better compared to whatever Victor gave them. Since I'm not a re-animated corpse, I'm going to take them at their word for it. Since you aren't either, I wonder a

Point taken. I thought that too, actually, and was already regretting my kneejerk comment before you replied, because there's a certain tyranny of low expectations that needs not be contributed to.

More men than women on the A.V. Club boards.

She did and I've been predicting that moment basically since it became clear that she would end up Frankenstein's Bride.That was the whole point of that accent in the first place, to come back with a venegeance in that kind of scene.

Well, you can hardly claim that Frankenstein gave her enough info to make an informed choice. If a doctor offers me an alternative to death, I think of some experimental treatment that will heal _me_, not of providing the body parts for his private little Pygmalion-fantasies. Or do you suggest that's the kind of

Consent to what? Being strangled and turned into a living doll? If there's such a thing as righteous fury, surely, hers is.

Do you like Studio Ghibli at least?

Really, what's the point of being a genius if you're not misunderstood? All those understood geniuses are just posers, if you ask me. Like, if you can actually make yourself comprehensible to others, you're just not avant-garde enough.

Good luck!

Two master degrees, one in a business related subject. Currently "self-employed". (Various teaching gigs on a contractual basis, nothing longerterm). I guess, I just don't interview well.

She's also fun on twitter. If Wesley Crusher can cash in on the nerd cred, Matilda should as well.

He seems to have taken a pretty deliberate break from Hollywood after early successes to do more artsy stuff and got quite bit of shit for it at the time. I say it paid off. Most pleasant surprise of the show for me as well. He used to be the epitome of blandness for me at the height of his Pearl Harbour fame, but now

Sadly, addiction and whatever mental health issue Kurt was trying to self-medicate tend to not be cured by true love's kiss.

Like Dostoyevski's The Gambler, which is also very much about that "living wildly beyond your means in futile attempts to grasp at some sort of fulfillment" thing and quite comical in places. Funny and depressing are two great tastes that taste great together.

Ask yourself what you'd hope to get out of it.

Maybe not better, necessarily, but at least not worse either? It sucks to feel inferior, even when the other person does nothing to invite that feeling and would be shocked to hear that they trigger it.

Try not to take it too personally and don't fret about the reasons. Someone cutting contact has often more to do with them than you. Asking why is often fairly unproductive, because chances are they couldn't tell you themselves. (And if they tell you reasons, those might well just be rationalizations. I wouldn't take

… one can still resent the implication that what's widely denigrated as "political correctness" is _entirely_ about petty trivialities.

Honestly, I suspect that Monty's issues here might be more about social anxiety rather than politics.