Adele Quested

Exactly. Obsession with ideological purity totally _is_ a problem in activist circles. (Cost of doing business, I guess). But for the common civilian? Please.

Patience. Please forgive the triteness, but time occasionally does heal some wounds. Data Point: I've made apologies that didn't exactly fix things in the moment, but paved the way for future reconciliation. I hope it works out for you. If you're not forgiven on the spot, you still might be forgiven eventually. Most

There's an implication that they're mostly paying lower-but-not-quite-enslaved people to do the dirty work for them. Nothing easier than siccing the lower classes on the lowest classes. Everyone's happy as long as there's someone below them.

Honestly, removing Drogon from the scene was probably doing them a favour - it's not quite clear he's great at distinguishing between friend and foe with regard to anyone who's not his mommy.

Then Stannis must do something else to piss of Davos and Jon in the books, because the endgame the show is working towards probably won't have them on the same team. Unless Stannis is just killed off by Ramsay or Brienne in the next episodes, but for some reason I actually don't think that will happen.

This is the first time I actually consider myself spoiled for the future books. I've always been fairly convinced that the show will stick to the basic outline of the novels concerning the endgame. Sure, there have been detours, but the showrunners have also proven themselves sufficiently shallow that I never thought

Honestly, I feel like anyone who's decided to give Hannibal a chance just now would still start with season one. It's easy enough to find the episodes online. People don't watch TV the way they used to.

Sounds like divorce would be doing him a favour. I hope that he was emotionally prepared for the kids he created (if not, putting that on her her is really spineless), so the financial responsiblities that come with those really can't be blamed on her.

Truly the reason for not having sex are as varied (and potentially ridiculous) as the ones for having it.

I'm going to assume that this is a joke, but as someone who's not above feeling above sex at times and needs to remind herself how stupid that is on occasion, I'll pretend to take it seriously for a moment.

But Montypark doesn't even claim that involuntary sexlessness is celibacy.

All pleasures are fleeting, so take solace in the fact that this is no worse use of your time than anything else. You could try to focus your efforts on something else for a while for the sake of variety though.

I try to tell myself that even if it's the wrong path, I might learn something interesting along the way. Mistakes are only a problem, if you keep making the same ones. At the very least, fresh mistakes often come with new stories to tell.

I've just read a biography of Rilke, who started to publish very early (maybe too early), and found it very heartening to read about all the garbage he wrote before getting really, really good. So keep that in mind, cut yourself some slack - early garbage doesn't preclude eventual mastery.

Get overly invested in my favourite distractions and hourly check whether I get any likes/upvotes for my pearls of wit.

Yeah, a certain kind of charm is certainly a red flag in that regard.

Honestly, I don't think cheating is all that much about opportunity costs (which are higher for very conventionally attractive people, admittedly). Most people can quickly find someone to cheat with, if they only set their standards low enough. So she's not necessarily naive to think that he'll be faithful in spite of

yes, the idea of responsibilities of a husband towards a wife were very patenalistic, but there has to be some pretense of doing it in the interest of the other person/not taking any pleasure in it. Parents are supposed to act in the interest of their childrens. Ramsay doesn't even bother to keep up that facade.

Well, but the social contract with regard to marriage would also specify that the husband has to be gentle/care about the well-being of his wife, which would preclude at least the kind of physical force Sansa had to endure.

Not quite as officially maybe. The popularity of prison rape jokes however suggests that certain social expectations are there.