Adele Quested

Well, Jaimie is a prisoner, so it doesn't exactly come as a surprise either.

But the Catholic version would be about "_God_ is telling me…", not the "universe". And let me tell you, that kind of guidance doesn't come cheap for a proper Catholic. You're supposed to invest quite a bit. There's in fact a high likelihood of God telling you a lot of things you really _don't_ want to hear, as long

I didn't say it didn't work - just that people are confused about what it works against.

Introversion is the only indicator that also makes it into the Big 5 personality traits, which have a bit more empirical back-up, so I'm not surprised that it's the only one that turned out consistent.

If your introversion can be cured by alcohol, it's not introversion, it's social anxiety.

These kind of disclosures always come with a bit of vulnerability - in my case in a similar scenario it wouldn't be fear of rejection (the question is not even on the table), so much as fear of the other person not even feeling particularly flattered.

I prefer actual astrology, because my sign is apparently among the great assholes of the western zodiac, which, I like to think, contrasts my usual meek self-presentation. I love to be all "But XY are said to be [insert various unflattering qualities]; is that really how you perceive me?" when the topic comes up among

Shh, idiotking, never admit to feeling intellectually superior if you want to come across that way; don't you know, all the truly smart people nowadays suffer from impostor syndrome!

I think there's a natural ebb and flow to human relationships and that things are not without value just because they have an expiration date, so I tend to be mostly pretty philosophical about people drifting in and out of my life.

Chandler did solve the crisis in season one by reciting a prayer.

I'm indeed very bitter about the merciless passage of time that is our inescapable fate and robs us of all that is beautiful and delicious eventually. How could I not be? With certain things, you're either bitter or blind. Rage, rage against the dying of the light!

Keep telling yourself that, if it makes you sleep better at night. I've mourned many a fresh-faced male beauty lost to the ravages of age.

I also think that one reading is more plausible than the other, but there's some room for debate.

which he wouldn't have had to to, if the ending had been entirely unambiguous, as the question wouldn't have come up.

It doesn't feel ambiguous to _you_. Several people feel differently. Enough, at any rate, to have a lot of arguments about it. That's the fun part.

Doesn't make it any more profound.

But that would kill the ambiguity of the ending, which is half of the fun of it.

That's implying that the show still deserves consideration at this point…

That's what most people who have been expecting and complaining about these scene since we heard about the Sansa-back-in-Winterfell-storyline suspect as well - messing up a female character's storyline to better service a male one's has been the show's S.O.P for a while.

Even so, I have seen people argue on certain messageboards that Jon was wrong to let in the Wildlings and the Nightwatch malcontents were totally justified in stabbing him. Don't ask me about the exact rationale - suffice to say I didn't find it particularly convincing - this was just to point out that a certain brand